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  • 225もぐもぐ!
  • 18リスナップ
  • 2013/11/09
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みんなの投稿 (36)


wa-vie から ゆかり
いつもゆかりさんの美しく素敵なお料理にうっとり~♪♪♪料理だけでなく器や室礼も憧れです☆今回のチキンも サラリ普通のとおっしゃるゆかりさん!普通じゃございません~(;o;)笑
この器も渋いなり(@ ̄ρ ̄@)


To: mdmamabilemw
To: t6u318
To: tata3
か○し菜 だよ😁🎶
wa-vie から ゆかり
ゆかりさんにそうおっしゃっていただけ、感激です!!私の料理は一貫性がなく 気ままで性格そのもの (((^_^;)
こんな私ですが 今後もどうぞよろしくお願いします~ (^-^)/
Simple chicken dish made special by pairing with roasted 安納芋!
But such a shame I never had any,I have heard about them many times,they just don't sell them here,I'll see if they are still available next month,I have to bring back some!
I also love these plates!
To: mdmamabilemw
To: rikk
Hi,rick san😊thank you resnap too🙏💕yep,安納芋 was not much selling in the market until several years or before…but nowadays,I can see it in every market.so you'll get it enough♪I guess you can get 安納芋 until February in Japan.it taste has so gently and sweetly😋maybe you like it🎶
Yeah,Your japan
To: rikk
trip is coming up soon! This winter is colder than usual,Please dress warmly yourself and packing before coming😊I hope you are not catching a cold😢🙏 have a lots of fun✨✨
Thank you for the advice,I'll pack more warm clothes for this trip!It's good to know 安納芋 will still be around,I'll buy some in Tsukiji market,I wonder how many people are like me,taking sweet potato on the plane...

To: rikk
Aww! Are you gonna go to Tsukiji?
Sooo envy!!!!!!😍 I've been to Tokyo many times,but never visit Tsukuji so far..I'll definitely goes on next!!
If you find a something arouses your interest,please tell me🙏💕
To: 1125shino
安納芋は表面に薄くバターを塗って丸ごとホイルにくるんでオーブンで焼いてます♪ 仕上げにホイルを取って半分に切って表面を焼きましたよ😊
志野 から ゆかり


Oh,please don't worry about replying late,I know you are busy and you have so many people to answer to...
Well,I am not sure if Tsukiji would make big appeal to you,after all you are so used to seeing all the Japanese products.As you know,it's huge,has a large variety of the freshest fishes and vegg
veggies,it's also full of tourists(like me😁),however,I do think it's worth visiting for you!
Unlike everybody else,I always pick a small hotel in Tsukiji to stay when I come over for so many years,it's just convenient for me to get around.So the market is literally downstairs for me,and I could say
I know it inside out now!Of course I'll let you know of I find something interesting!
So I went looking for エゴマ today,I found '胡麻葉',that looks the same as yours,but when I ask for it's seeds,they pointed at the sesame,I guess they don't have it then...But I will get it in next month,downstairs at T
To: rikk
Haha♪I like look around every market ,especially Tukiji is extraordinary market for me✨
Sounds so good that stayed at hotel nearby Tukiji!!! Usually I reserved hotel in Shinjyuku,But I hated that noisy air,lil bit hard to go Tsukiji
from there in early morning😰 Thanks,I'll do that my next😊
About 荏胡麻,What a pity,you couldn't get it..but surely you'll find it next month😊👍I was thinking tell you recipe of "荏胡麻葉Kimuch" too.
Luckily,👆Shino san (1125shino) uploaded this few days ago,Please check the recipe that she used.
that's excellent recipe! I guess 荏胡麻 will be genuine taste than 紫蘇😋💕
I have tried to convince everyone,but nobody seemed to agree.Shinjuku station is large and chaotic,it takes 10 mins from getting down the train to the right exit,but it only takes 4 mins to get to my hotel room at Tsukiji!It's also in the middle of everywhere,and Tokyo station is just 3 stops away.W
Whatsmore,it has loads of good restaurants around!So I hope you try there next time!
Thank you for letting me know Shino San's post,she visits my profile often.I am heading over and have a look now!Talk soon!
To: rikk
Oh, that's so close!
In fact,I want to go to 築地場内寿司 all the time, wanna to try eat 寿司 in morning☀🎶
Finally,I feel like i'll get it if I reserved your hotel😊
thanks!i will✌(i think i am pure japanese...It's so funny to be taught about Tokyo by you😁)
If you don't mind,let's talk about 築地場內市場too.I have tried most of the sushi places there,and sadly none of those is good enough to go back,and I believe so for your palate too,and you could easily find places of the same quality all over Tokyo.Apart from one,寿司大,not as good as I first went over 10 y
years ago,but it's still good,but it has gotten very busy these day,even if you get there at 7,there are still 30 people wait,around 2 hr.So I rarely eat there now,instead I go to washoku places to have things like grilled fish.Just to let you know and be prepared,it's still worth to try anything yo
you like,for the market experience itself,and I have no doubt you will enjoy this place so much,like I do!
Don't have to feel funny,happens to me too,my friends from oversea take me to places I've never been in HK ...
Have a very good weekend,Yukari San!
To: rikk
Oh my...that's a shocker..😨😁
I thought that there are many good 寿司屋 ,hard to choosing one of there...You are credible person for me,I was able to be satisfied with your talk.Yep,寿司大 still getting good review now,n one more 大和寿司too.(i never go both tho😅) thanks rick san,I learned a lot from
from you🙏💕
Btw,Have you already found that good 紅葉 spot?
I've seen 紅葉 at 小石川後楽園,It's beautiful 日本庭園.if you haven't had go yet,please 😊😊
You are welcome,just love to share information!
Again please forgive me for disappointing you,but '大和' is a big no-no from me.
The first time my Japanese friend brought me to sushi dai,he already told me daiwo is just a tourist place and l should avoid,a few years later on my own ,I was tempted with
daiwo's shorter queue and gave it a try,I was so disappointed,for the same price of omakase set,the quality was not even half as good as sushi dai's,much fewer piece too and left me hungry after.
So if you have to eat sushi,stick with sushi dai please!
This is good recommendation!I have been to a lo
a lot of parks and 日本庭園around Tokyo,but never in 小石川後樂園,I am definitely going,thanks so much for this,you are my saviour!
To: rikk
I see now,I think you're right that i should follow you,I'll do as you say😊
Wow! My first time at Tsukiji,seem to be able to have a good experience✨
you also my saviour! Thank you so much rick san😊🙏💕
I'll tell you when I got there🎶
See ya,night night💤💤💤
もぐもぐ! (225)
リスナップ (18)