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  • 206もぐもぐ!
  • 29リスナップ
  • 2014/07/30
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漬物冷製カペリーニ,inspired by Romie

みんなの投稿 (10)
The first time I had a pumpkin tsukemono was served along with a grilled fish meal in Japan,I was blown away with it.Then later I saw Romi's 冷製カペリーニ,made with many pickles including the pumpkin,so temptingly good,and I decided to try,if I could get some...luckily on the last day at Tokyo just before
I departed Tokyo station,I went up to 近為 on the top of Daimaru and got this.Thank you Romi,again you have turned something simple into gorgeous food,I am eating so well with your help.I didn't have time to visit 亀蔵 this time,hopefully next trip...Also I didn't have do many different varieties of tsu
tsukemono here,but I was happy enough!
Thank youuu so much,I'm soo glad to see our loving cold noodle!
Plus you made this inspired by my tsukemono capellini!!It's my honor🙏😭I can feel the cool atmosphere from this!!
Plus!you properly remember 亀蔵!
In fact, that pumpkin tsukemono of 亀蔵 was a little sweet for me(but totally tsukemono o
romie から rick chan
totally tsukemono of Kyoto,the sweetness is a little strong),so it fits to eat as a pasta using olive oil,I think☺Well you're lucky to get this in Tokyo!!so you were determined to make this😆✨
I'm glad to share this tasteful pumpkin pasta with you!!
When you come to Kyoto next,let's enjoy eating arou
romie から rick chan
eating around much of pickles 😁👍
I want to introduce to you my fav pickles more!!Tkank you for showing us such a great n proud pasta!
I'm happy♪♪♪
rick chan から romie
Your pasta was love at first sight for me!You know I had pumpkin tsukemono before,but never thought of using it in cold pasta,I just had to try that,I was determined to get that in Japan but couldn't make it to 亀蔵.Actually I was in Kyoto,trying 鳥岩樓 that Yukari recommend,I was strolling around in 西陣
and suddenly saw a coolest old shop that sells tsukemono,and it was 近為!It was like running into an old friend!But I couldn't carry anything around,so I had to wait til I got back to Tokyo.
I don't find this one too sweet,so may be you could try 近為's too.
Back to this pasta,I love it very much,I wish
I have many different varieties of tsukemono like you have,but I couldn't open everything and finishing them soon...,but it was good enough,especially with the pumpkin as main ingredients!May be one day I'll make my own too!Thanks again for this lovely idea!Please take me around to try tsukemono,it'
it's my big love,I'll be most happy to have a meal that's made up with lots of tsukemono!
もぐもぐ! (206)
リスナップ (29)