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  • 2014/01/17
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White chocolate cheesecake with kumquat compote and pistachio

みんなの投稿 (43)
I made some kumquat compote so I could make one of the most memorable confectionery from Yukari San,brownies with kumquat,just about everything was ready,I had the very good fortune having the real thing.So instead,I thought this up to go with the kumquat.I ate this o
on the same day I made this,and it wasn't that good at all,it was so much better on the second day,flavors really came together nicely,anyone had that experience with cheesecakes?
How wonderful !!
It seems to be very delicious.
Wow,you too! this is big deal!
oh,I restate! "this is billion deal!"
It's divine posts,closely packed with my fave things! Kumquat,pistachio,white chocolate, cream cheese💘💘 all together well balanced in this! Also Love this surface which spread nuts all green.beautifully side shapes like a minimal a
minimal art✨
I haven't seen like this fancy cheese cake! but I can sense how nice taste is from your pics😋your pics has superb elegance as always! So i know there are many fan of your posts💕
Thank you liked my brownie.but As for your cake, million times looks more tasty than my brownie😍
Oh,also tha
Oh,also thanks for decorating tea in your pics, i'm happy🎶Which tea did you drink,Is it fitting your taste?😊
Amazing beautiful!
And just my favorite things!
Yesterday, I ate the tart kumquat for the first time!
I was surprised and very delicious and Suites using kumquat!
rick chan から 麻紀子
Thank you very much,makes me happy you like this,I wanted to make a cake that goes with kumquat,I think chocolate is good.I didn't know baked cheese cake suppose to taste better next day,now I know,confirmed by you too,both flavor and texture were very much improved the second day!I will wait next
time!Haha,I never tried eating kumquat uncooked,but if Yukari San says it's good,we have to trust her,right?She knows food too well,and I listen to her all the time!
rick chan から 奈英(김 나영)
Thank you,I am weak at making cakes,this one passed.I'm a fan of the kumquat and chocolate combo!
rick chan から ゆかり
Haha,no way,you brownies are way way better than this one,you can't argue,I am the only one who have taste both,this one passed,and that's it,brownies were exceptional stuff!And what do you mean this is the most fancy cheesecake you have seen?Have you forgotten your all time SD hot item"caramel chee
cheesecake",that is the best I have seen,and sure best taste too!But I thank you,you are just to kind to me,makes me very happy hearing your compliment!I didn't know what to do with my kumquat compote,so I thought this up,still try to improve this.Do you think I could stick the kumquat inside the ch
cheese batter and bake(like your brownies)?
You are welcome and thanks,I love all your tea,but Marco Polo just a little better,I bought the bolero too,but I haven't tried,I will let you know how it is when I have!
rick chan から のっちゃん
I am very jealous you ate kumquat tart,I have never tried one!I am happy you agree too,kumquat is very delicious,and makes really good desserts,and combine with chocolate is absolutely heavenly!I have tried Yukarie San kumquat brownies,so I wanted to do something different,so this white chocolate ch
cheesecake came up!Thanks for the kind words and resnaps too!
奈英(김 나영) から rick chan
I see.
I'm weak making at cakes too.
but,the cakes make me happy.❤
Good luck with your making cakes!!
Oh! It's so elegant as always.✨✨✨
I also like the way to use pistachios at back of dish. You really have a good sense!👍
To: rikk
G'morning! Haha,you also gave me too much kindly words,You make my day✨Thanx!
Wow,baked kumquat cheese cake... Goody!! 👍💕
Honestly,this cheese cake is flawless,i think no need to improve at all. But wanna to see your newly baked cheese cake too,please! Plus,I guessed you have still stock t
stock the kumquat comport👆😏♪ You have to give to delight for crowd again!😊
Wow,you got bolero too! I love bolero 💘Sure,please tell me about your impressions if you taste!
Have a enjoy your holiday✨
rick chan から mikachi
Thanks so much,and resnaps too.If you notice,I always go for the nuts if I want to add some crunch to the dish,they are delicious and easy for me to get too
rick chan から Takako Izumiyama
Thank you,I am happy you like them!
rick chan から ゆかり
Thank you,Yukari San,I am enjoying my day off now,making things that I had never made before,if succeed,I'll post it!Kumquat compote has finished,and I have no idea for another cheesecake yet,unless your caramel one.But I always want to do a French cheese tart,but better wait a little,all these chee
cheese and sweet things are not exactly best friend to my tummy,I don't know how you girls stay so trim...
Takako Izumiyama から rick chan
Tank you
To: rikk
え⁉ 何作ってるの⁇ 超気になる‼
Rickさんが今まで作った事ないもの…...!!...ダチョウの卵で皮蛋を作ってるとか⁇ 😳
Just kidding😊,i'm happy you'd good time.but I've no clue n can't imagine what you making. I'll waiting for your something special!
Wish you luck👍💕
Add...i don't think you need care to your body if you won't too much eat. Nobody know charming female make an effort for keeping feminine line.
"One cake for workout, workout for one cakes." Like this...😔
But I don't care...chancy!😨⚡⚡
See ya🎶🎶
rick chan から ゆかり
😂😂😂funny Yukari San,not 皮旦,I doubt I ever going to do that...
Here is the report,first thing,really no big deal,but it turned out ok,I will post it next time.Second one,bigger deal,I eat often and you had encouraged me to make.It was ok for the first time,but I'll have to make a better one before I
post it.
Agree with the "one cake for the workout,workout for one cake",but "workout is seriously running behind,get to catch up!Good night,will talk again!
To: rikk
Got it! Got it🎶
I'd clue from your hint!✨✨
Aha! Guess it has "B" in initial letter!! (if i wrong...) but please don't answer until post it.
Let's talk at your first B post!(..if i wrong....Lol ) i can't wait!😣😊
rick chan から ゆかり
Oh sorry I can't wait too...
I think you got it!I don't know how you did it,there wasn't much clue anyway,do you have a spying camera at my home or you are just an incredibly clever person!?I can't hide anything from you...
By the way,have you listened yo the new Bastille album?I think it's quite g
To: rikk
Wow! I guessed right🙌✨whoopee!
Haha,Did you notice at last?
I've both,I'm much wiser and every-time spying you😏
Now I able to see you working with smiling! Oh,you good going today too👍
So You unable to bad deed! Lol!
Oooooo My gosh!!!! Bastille😍💘
"All this bad blood",right?
Did you think
so too?Me too👍💕
Plus,This year,They were rack up Brit awards 2014.and they plan perform at there.
(Also Ellie and imagine dragon,will perform at Brit awards.)
I wanna to watch their play, don't you?
rick chan から ゆかり
Now you know,I might as well let you see it,want to share my first with you,I also need your opinion,if it's ok,I'll post on twitter.
Wow thanks for reminding me about Brit Award too,I just check,it's on 19/2,awesome line up too,I can't wait watching it,there were always very good performance in the
in the show!
To: rikk
Yay😊🎶thank you so much rick san!
I'm looking forward your post on twitter🎶🎶
昨天自己做了個Philadelphia Cheesecake. 你這個芝士蛋糕的配方是怎樣的?可不可以分享?
rick chan から MyRaX
Thank you,sorry for the late reply.I got this recipe from the net,and I couldn't find it again,please give me se more time.I remember this has cream cheese,white chocolate(melted),eggs,you know the usual stuff...
MyRaX から rick chan
No worries Rick. Thanks for the search. There's no white chocolate in my recipe. But I found another one that doesn't require oven time! So I'll give it a try this weekend😊
Looks delicious♡
Always thanks you for resnap!!
rick chan から wa-vie
Thank you too!And you are always welcome,I really enjoy looking at your food!
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