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  • 31リスナップ
  • 2013/11/10
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Autumn minestrone /秋のミネストローネ

みんなの投稿 (25)
What's in it:butternut squash,onion, cannellini beans, tomato, carrot, potato, celery, spinach, (バターナットスカッシュ、タマネギ、カネリーニ豆、トマト、にんじん、じゃがいも、セロリ、ほうれん草) served rosemary oil,Parmesan cheese (ローズマリーオイル、パルメザンチーズ)
Minestrone that contains the butternut squash, delicious! The flavor of the rosemary which is nice.
Can I and if I put the rosemary in olive oil rosemary oil?
Wow,you'd make dish with butter squash! That's so you! There is touch of sophistication despite being simple💕Many beautifully colored ingredients in this and like a jewel box✨✨without question, This is marvelous autumn minestrone 🍁🍂🎃✨✨love this so much😋
Thank you for resnap with houba-miso dish.
This meal is great ! Autumn vegetables so colorful and beautiful
😊 Want to eat!!!
rick chan から ピロ
It's a great comforting soup for autumn!I never used butternut,because I think kabocha is very good already,but Yukari San recommended it and I tried,I love it very much.To make rosemary oil,I blanch rosemary in hot water 30sec,refresh in ice water,blend with same amount of oil,best to leave for a d
rick chan から ピロ
day and drain.It makes this soup specially good!Thank you for resnap! Haven't seen Piro San's post for a while,I will wait!
rick chan から ゆかり
Minestrone is a gem itself!It's so good as a vegetarian dish,both delicious and fills you up!Thanks for your advice and I bought butternut this time,and I love it!Because this was vegetarian and no chicken stock was use,I made a soup base with some of the butternut,tomato and onion,then blend smooth
for some body and flavour,then simmer with other veggies and beans,the rosemary oil brings everything together,and cheese add more flavour too.I enjoyed this very much,and I will make minestrone for all 4 seasons from now on!Thanks for commenting about the colours,I must have done with without reali
realizing it myself...
rick chan から Asahimaru
You are welcome,I love that meal very much!Thank you for your compliment on this too,this is very comforting to me,I like that it is vegetarian but does not leave me hungry.When winter comes,I'll do a winter version!
To,rick Thank you so much for resnap my dishes!!!
ピロ から rick chan
Mr.rikk! Thanks for letting me know!
Please try,it's going to make your body happy too!Thank you for all resnaps,appreciate it!
rick chan から wa-vie
You are always welcome,please keep up the good work,I like your dishes!
rick chan から ピロ
Anytime,you are welcome!
I want to tell you that my English is not good and thats why reply is late, sorry.
Thank you so much!
I'm grateful for your messages :-)!
rick chan から wa-vie
You are welcome!I want to say my Japanese writing is poor too.I think your English is good,but it's fine if you want to write Japanese,I understand a little!
Thank you for looking at my older posts and all the resnaps,appreciate it!
wa-vie から rick chan
Good morning Rick(^o^)丿
Thank You for a resnap to oden !!
It becomes cold, and the number of times of the
earthenware pot increases suddenly(*^^*)
I love veggie soup like this!😍 looks so delicious!
Butternut is my favorite!
Thank u for resnap!!
rick chan から wa-vie
You are welcome,always looking forward to your dishes!
rick chan から mikachi
Thank you,and the resnap too!It's a lot of chopping up for this,but it's very rewarding,I enjoyed this hearty vegetable soup so much!First time I used butternut instead of pumpkin,I love it too!
rick chan から Yumi
You are welcome,love you dish,thank you too!
もぐもぐ! (326)
リスナップ (31)