• お気に入り
  • 10もぐもぐ!
  • リスナップ
  • 2014/01/20
  • 1,801


材料・調味料 (5 人分)
beat egg,add mince meat,salt,pepper,dash off curry powder and chili flake.stir together.
dip bread with egg mixture and fried until yellowish brown color
put all the vege on the bread
put mayonis or any sauce
tadaaaa enjoy ur meal
みんなの投稿 (14)
The bachelor roti john
Thanks for following!
Thank you for the follow✨
I like roti john!!!!
I like roti john!!!:)
Perempuan Jiwa Kental から きょん
have u try it before?
きょん から Perempuan Jiwa Kental
I have lived in Malaysia before so that time I have eaten :)
Perempuan Jiwa Kental から きょん
and now where do u stay?
Perempuan Jiwa Kental から きょん
and now where do u stay?
きょん から Perempuan Jiwa Kental
I live in Japan.
I lived in Cyberjaya from 2years ago.
Perempuan Jiwa Kental から きょん
owh u must be one of lim kok wing student or mmu right?
きょん から Perempuan Jiwa Kental
Not student lah.
working. Do you know Emerio?
Perempuan Jiwa Kental から きょん
yes i think i know...its IT service provider
きょん から Perempuan Jiwa Kental
yes ;)
もぐもぐ! (10)