Hi there,actually I haven't been on SD for a while too,I went on a trip to Hanoi Vietnam for a few days,and I was so tired afterward that I didn't feel like doing anything at all,even cooking!Anyway I'll have a closer look at your posts soon,hopefully tomorrow,after I clear out some of my work,I ju
To: rikk W👀w! I envy you!! It seems you spent a nice time in Vietnam.Try something new place,goes glinting your life😉 I think so too,sometime you needs rest to cooking for your body or mental balance.For example…hope to take a laid-back time at cozy bar.I also do the same😋
Thank you!Should have gone there long ago,it's so near,only more than 1.5 hr flight,and I love their food too much!I really enjoyed it there,only the wrong time,it's too hot right now.Anyway I'm ready to work/cook again after a nice rest!Such a shame not a big fan of alcohol,but I wouldn't mind som
To: rikk Oh,thanks!I see now.that sounds good!! Not at all! You are not strange. But,You have hidden potential about cooking or various thing. Indeed you are strange person in that sense😋👍
このグラス私持ってるーーーーー(˵¯͒౪¯͒˵) ੭ੇ৴ડેং৴ડેং”
昨日はとなりのフランス人がこればっか呑んでて つられてトライ🍻🎶
W👀w! I envy you!!
It seems you spent a nice time in Vietnam.Try something new place,goes glinting your life😉
I think so too,sometime you needs rest to cooking for your body or mental balance.For example…hope to take a laid-back time at cozy bar.I also do the same😋
Oh🎶Do you drink after work?There is nothing like cold ale beer on a hot day🍻🎶
Thanks for a lots your resnap😉🙏
Oh,thanks!I see now.that sounds good!!
Not at all! You are not strange.
But,You have hidden potential about cooking or various thing.
Indeed you are strange person in that sense😋👍