ミョウガとオクラは軽く湯で、すぐ水でひやす。 Zingibar mioag and Okla: just boil briefly in salted water and immediately rinse with cold water and allow the vegetable to cool.
ゴウヤは半分に切り、わたを取り、薄くスライスしてから、5分程茹でこぼして苦味を取り、水で冷します。 Bitter melon has bitterness so boil 5mins in salted water after thin sliced. Rinse with cold water to cool.
ゴウヤはよく絞り、オクラとミョウガは紙タオルで水を切ってから、斜め半分に切り、バットに並べる。 Remove excess water and dip in the sauce: It is important to squeeze bitter melon again. Next, remove excess water from Mioga and Okla gently with a towel, as these vegetables cannot be squeezed. After all vegetables are prepared, place them in a container.
おひたしのつけ汁: 梅干しの果肉を潰し適宜薄めた麺つゆに合わせる。 Ohitashi source: Add smashed pulpy ume-boshi into Men-tsuyu (ready made noodle source) and dilute it with water to your preferred taste.
おひたしのつけ汁をバットにならべた野菜にかけ、2-3時間置き完成。 Place all prepared vegetables in a container and cover with the ohitashi sauce and leave for several hours. The best time to eat would be from after 2 to 3 hours until the next day.