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  • 2013/08/01
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口水雞/mouth-watering chicken!

醬油(soy sauce)
鎮江酢(Zhenjiang vinegar)
花椒粉(Sichuen pepper powder)
みじん切り生姜(minced ginger)
みじん切りにんにく(minced garlic)
みじん切り香菜(chopped coriander)
胡麻油(sesame oil)
ラー油(chili oil)
Mixed all ingredients together.

For more frangrant Sichuen pepper powder,pan roast Sichuen pepper and ground it yourself.

みんなの投稿 (53)
How stupid of me,I have prepared some chopped Chinese celery to sprinkle on this,but completely forgotten about it until I finished the dinner…
Anyway,traditional Sichuen dish,this is the exact recipe from a guy called Jacky Yu.His books have lots of great recipes of mostly Chinese dishes,also some
from SE Asia,slightly modernize and always perfect that I don't have to change a thing,which is rare.What's good about the book is that it's been translated into English too,so anyone interested in Chinese cooking should get them!Please let me you if you need further information!
🎶Florence and the Machine🎶
Let's just say I madly love everything about Florence!
Thank you,would have been great if I remember to add Chinese celery!
Florence and the machine!! Your food looks amazing as usual btw.😉
airyⓂ︎ から Funky Chef
I think so too! #fukushima
Oh,Mr perfect! It seems even you got miss.But it's okay! I'm every time something like that😋👍
Wow! This looks soooo tasty!
It nice named for matching image! I'm mouse watering too!so how interesting,I really want to buy this recipe book! Please tell me the title of the book😍🙏
And what a awesome !!
I looove florence n machine,too!!
I was used to listen "spectrum" it fav song😆🎶but didn't know that she is English female....😅
rick chan から zc
rick chan から Funky Chef
That's great,you like Florence too!One of the best band emerged in recent years,IMHO!Many thanks for the compliment!
rick chan から airyⓂ︎
Thank you too!
rick chan から ゆかり
Keep forgetting things and I know I am not going to get any better,just have to accept this now!
Ok,this guy is Jacky Yu,he rans a few private upstairs dining rooms called "囍宴".Hs has published a few books now,and recipes are all accurate and good enough to wow your guests,so I would really recommen
recommend especially you like Chinese cooking.This sauce is so tasty and good with lots of things too,like 餃子.it comes from his first book"囍宴廚藝私房菜",published by"海濱圖書公司".Like I said,all books have English translation,and even Japanese in the"2009"book!I think I have also seen a compilation book of hi
his first three,but I can't be sure,because I have all anyway.
Please try find them,if you couldn't ,no big deal,I'll be most happy to sent you these!
Haha,kind of knew you like Florence too!I love the harp in her music,I even have the harp solo at the end of "cosmic love" as my ring tone,that's how
how much I like it!And yes,she is British!
Thank you for all the resnaps!
Oh! Didn't know this was a Jacky Yu dish! Never been to HK but want to try eating at his Xi Yang outlets. I should take a look at his books too.
zc から rick chan
rick chan から Funky Chef
Wow you know him !I have only eaten in a dessert place that he rans and it was good,I think it's worth trying if you come to HK ,or Singapore.But if you love cooking,I would recommend his books for sure,you won't be disappointed!Please let me know if you couldn't find them,I'll sent you some!!
rick chan から zc
沒關係,有空才回去吧!其實也不用擔心,以你的技術來說,一般中式家庭料理是難不到你的!或者看看書,像我這個👆也是跟著Jacky Yu的食譜做的,不需任何改動,效果蠻好的!
To: rikk
Haha,you got me!
You knowing what my favorite taste music!
Anyway,Thank you for detailed information about cook book😊🙏
It seems like he is very famous person.now I googled a little😊
Tomorrow is my day off,so will search this book! I have really come to like this book title. We haven't this
We haven't this letter喜喜.but sooo cool! It sounds like meaning "double joy"!!
Probably I think that I am found😊
Thanks a loooot!
And good good night😪😪✨
Oh that's right,it's an old word,and not a proper word too I think,it's just mean double happiness,you are right!So please use 喜 instead.It's late,have a good rest,will talk soon!!
rick chan から ゆかり
zc から rick chan
rick chan から apple
rick chan から zc
rick chan から apple
Many thanksʕ-̼͡-ʔ👍rick-san
rick chan から ゆかり
I have added the recipe for the sauce,so you could go ahead and try this first before you get the book,if you want.Chicken is steamed and you could use しらたきorこんにゃくto replace the "粉皮"that I use.Sprinkle sesame and peanuts on top too!
To: rikk
Thank you sooo much rick san!!
You are soooo sweet!!
And I'm glad that you wrote in Japanese! It's so clear japanese!
So I can make it anytime from now on😆🎶
Btw,I made inquiry today in a bookstore.It takes time a little, but I seems able to get this book😆🙌
In fact, I've been looking for like this book.(The Cantonese cook book which sold in Japan,almost already arranged written by Japanese taste.)I feel so happy to found out nice book, because of you! My big thanks to you!😍🎶
I wanna learn this 😻
rick chan から Povii Po
So easy!
Recipe please 😛
"Mouth watering chicken"!! Sounds yummy! Is this chicken breast? Is 皮蛋 used around it?
As ゆかりさん said "you are Mr. perfect!" I'm big fun of you!😍
rick chan から mikachi
Yes,this is what they call this!I use whole chicken,and steamed, cooled, and shredded.It is actually 皮疍on the side,the recipe comes from a book,the star really is the sauce,I have added on the top👆.Ms Yukari is only making fun of me,but in fact she does everything perfect,and I'm her no.1 fan!If you
haven't seen her posts,please have a look,they are all crazy good!Thank you for the compliment and resnap,and of course I am a big fan of you too!
rick chan から 七海
You are welcome!
rick chan から ゆかり
You are welcome!That's good,I really hope you could get this.Jacky's has very good basics,but he makes his recipes more modernized,and more fun,always looks pretty too!I think you will like his style.Just don't hesitate to ask me if you need any help for this!
mikachi から rick chan
I saw ゆかりさん's dishes. They are amazing! Thank you for telling me!
As you said she is Ms. Perfect. And of course you are Mr. Perfect!
rick chan から mikachi
Thank you again,very nice of you!
And didn't I tell you about Yukari San!Just too good to be a home cook!By the way,Perfect is only the first name,her last name is Know-all!!
Drooling 😋😋
rick chan から MyRaX
Thank you,I really enjoyed this!
zc から rick chan
好的,我肯定会试的♪( ´θ`)ノ
Some other users who cooked this recipe have brought me back to this post so I should cook it soon I guess. On a separate note, just wanted to let you know that SD user "Willz" is a chef called Willin Low who was named one of the world's upcoming chefs by Jacky Yu.
rick chan から Funky Chef
Thank you for visiting,I realize Ms Romie did this dish recently,I am just happy so many people like this.By all means please try for yourself,it's rather simple to make once you have all the ingredients!
I see,I have come across the name "Willz",but not familiar with his work,I'll go over and take
rick chan から Funky Chef
a closer look,thanks for letting me know!
I am fine,thank you.English added in the recipe above.Again I am asking you to use what I suggest in here,especially Zhenjiang black vinegar and Sichuen pepper,wouldn't be the same without them,and shouldn't be hard to find too.Enjoy!
name_undef から rick chan
Thank you so much.Will go to Little China Town in Yokohama this Sat....will post the pix.By the way am I ryt the chicken is just steam?..Good Day Sensei...
Yes,chicken is steamed to the point that is just cooked,too long will go tough,please adjust timing for the chicken you use.👍
name_undef から rick chan
👍got it....thank you so much.
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