• お気に入り
  • 175もぐもぐ!
  • 4リスナップ
  • 2013/02/21
  • 552

サーモンのソテー♡~ほうれん草クリームソース~ (sauteed salmon with spinach cream sauce)

みんなの投稿 (24)
ソースを下にひいて、上に鮭を置いてみました(•ө•)♡ 「盛り付けの教科書」みたいなタイトルの本で学んだテクを早速応用~(๑• v •๑)笑

To: mushroOmcafe
Sure😘 Here you are🐟🐟🐯🐱💓 Keep it a secret from your boss, OK??🙅👄
To: mushroOmcafe
Because we ate it up!!🐯🐱🐴💦 So sorry😂😂555+
OK, I'll cook 🐟 for you in your dream✌😁 Thank you for today, my buddy👯❤ See ya tomorrow☀
To: mushroOmcafe

🐶: Where is my 🐟🍴!?

To: 0987hiropon
ぴろさん、リスナまでありがとうございます!!( ॣ•͈૦•͈ ॣ)✧˖°ソースを下にひく盛り付け方法が本に載っていたなぁ~と思い出してやってみました(๑• v •๑)♪ぴろさんにそんな風に言っていただけるなんて嬉しいです♡♡♡
きれいにこんがり焼けてていい感じ〜!!ू(๑ ›◡ु‹ ๑ ू)
To: Moko0610
みどりさん♡ありがとうございます!!リスナまでしていただいて(๑°⌓°๑)✧˖°ホワイトソースに具を入れただけの簡単ソースなんですが、そんな風に言っていただけて嬉しいです(๑˙❥˙๑) ‏♡
To: raycheal
レイさん♡お店だなんて滅相もないです!!!Σ(꒪□꒪)自分好みになんとな~くで作ったソースなんです(笑)しかもお皿が、旦那が昔ミスドでもらったやつという…( θ ϖ θ )笑
To: raycheal
To: mushroOmcafe
สวัสดีค่ะ อ้อม🙏✨ Sorry for late reply💦 I slept well last night like 🐴.💤✨55 My husband was on night duty last night👦🌃 and came home some time ago🏠 So I've talked with him☕ I'm not busy~😄
To: maru0522a That's ok😁👌Are you alone last night!! 😨It's ok??!!
Can I ask you something? What kind of work does your husband do? Is he a doctor??😷🚑
To: mushroOmcafe
I'm OK~, thanks😘
Do you know that!?😳😳💦 You're right, he's a doctor for children (especially baby👼). But he has been studying (experiment) with mice🐭 at the graduate school since last year🏫 So he is a doctor and also a postgraduate student🚑👦🎓 very busy~~~😱😱😱
To: maru0522a Woww!! Wonderful👍
Children's doctor😷When I was high school I wanted to be a doctor but I thought it very busy so I've change my mind 😝😝
Yeah!!I know I've seen him before
To: mushroOmcafe
Really!!?👸🏥 It's great!!👏✨ but I can't imagine that you wanted to be a doctor when you were a high school student💦 because you were very crazy at that time👻🎸 😝😝❤555+
Oh! You met him!?🚑😂😂555+
😷: Nice to see you again, aom✌
To: maru0522a 5555+ I think that too but at that time I would like to be Autophy Doctor 😷💉✂ 😂😂
Nice to see you too doctor😷,please give me something to eat 😨🍰🍧
To: mushroOmcafe
Autopsy doctor!?😲✂💦 Why!?😳💦

😷: ......😨😨 Unfortunately, I'm not a chef😱
To: maru0522a 555+ I don't remember why??!! Maybe at that time I thought it's very excited😱😱
Ohh!! Really sorry 😷🙇 so,please steal your wife's food in refrigerator to me 🍉🍊🍎🍓🍰😂😂
To: mushroOmcafe
excited!!!??😱😱😱 OMG!! You're so crazy😂😂😂555+
😷: OK~....🏠Oh no! my wife have eaten all foods in my house!!!😱
🐴: I'm stuffed.....💤💤💤
To: maru0522a
😨:..............I don't want to say anything except .....OMG!! Super house 🐴💤💤
To: maru0522a 😂😂Today,I enjoy a lot 💓thanks for today my buddy👯 Sleep tight like a house บ๊ายบายคะ👋😊
To: mushroOmcafe
I enjoy a lot, too😂❤ Thanks for today, aomkko💓 Have a sweet dream💤✨ See ya😘
To: maru0522a Oh!! God **like a horse 🙅 house 😨
もぐもぐ! (175)
リスナップ (4)