I love smoked food and it's been so long I haven't done any.these ribs are braise in soy sauce and spices first and smoked with applewood chip.Green balls made with blanched spinach leaves(ほうれん草),and rolled up like a ball,a little silly and time consuming but I can't resist....
To: dodyu thank you,only messing around...And I have to say so many times when I was looking at your food,I wanted to stop by and say how good it is,but I was caught up in other things,so anyway,it'll be great to follow round you and eat whole day!
Wow, You have a really really nice sense that I've know!! The first time I look it, I think that's 芽きゃべつ. But you said that's spinach-ball! So unbelievably, and I was moved! You're grate chef, rikkさん👍✨
The first time I look it, I think that's 芽きゃべつ.
But you said that's spinach-ball!
So unbelievably, and I was moved!
You're grate chef, rikkさん👍✨