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  • 2016/04/08
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Stuffed avocado with herbed ricotta,coated with hazelnut...

みんなの投稿 (16)
Someone choose to leave SD,but I want to do it at full speed!!
Again got this idea from internet,I just altered the ingredient a little,and that's what makes it fun,you could change the cheese stuffing and nut coating,mix it with other herbs and spices,and it stills would be delicious,extremely quick and simple to make,I don't think I need to explain.So please,make you own version!
My stuffing is made with ricotta and the leftover herbs,dill,chervil,parsley and chive.Coating is made with hazelnut,lime zest.Served with lime juice and olive oil.
what a beautiful!
I really think you love cooking...
This is... wow!
Abocado, my LOVE😍
Yes! Yes! I'll make my version!
rick chan から まる(丸大豆)
Thanks Makooo San!I love cooking indeed,infinity pleasure for me!
rick chan から ゆず( ˘ ³˘)♥
Glad you like it,thanks!
rick chan から izoom
Thanks so much,so good to know you like it!
Avocado is hard to resist,I look forward seeing yours,I know it's going to be great,for sure!
rick chan から 麻紀子
Thanks Makiko!
The possibilities are endless,different cheeses,herbs,nuts and even various cuisines too!And everyone could adjust to what they like!
I just roll the avocado on the nuts and it will adhere,if not,try brush on whatever acid you use,lemon or lime...
rick chan から ゆっこ
Thanks you so much,really fun and delicious to eat,I highly recommend you trying!
What's wrong with you? Did someone say uncomfortable words to you? You look irritated...

Anyway, I like your dishes and am waiting your new post:))

rick chan から 🍁
No,why..?I wonder how I gave you that impression,I don't get annoyed easily....please let me know.
I have many dishes in progress,will post them once they are ready,thanks for waiting,very kind of you!
Thank you for the encouragement!I mean,that should be the spirit,sharing things make me happy,let's keep it up!


rick chan から ゆりねかふぇ
Thank you ゆりね San !
Very happy reading your message,I appreciate so kindness!
We all love avocados,both nutritious and delicious!
This is really simple!Cut avocado in half,take out the seed(you know this part?Cut a line,twist the avocado and open,then hit a knive in the seed and take out.Best to watch a video on YouTube!),then peel the skin,then stuff inside of avocado with cheese mix,close it up again(or you could peel the skin now),then coat the avocado with chopped nuts(press them in a little,they should stick),then open again and serve.It need some delicate work,but not difficult at all!Many cheeses,herbs and nuts will go well with avocado,please try whatever you like!
I gives me lots of pleasure playing around with food like this,I am so glad you and your daughters like it too!It must be fun cooking with/for kids!
もぐもぐ! (299)
リスナップ (65)