フライパンに油と玉ねぎと人参を入れて、混ぜます Pour oil, onions and carrots into a frypan. Caramelize onions to make it sweeter or don't for a more onion-y taste.
チョリソーとキャベツを入れて、混ぜる Put in your preferred meat and cabbage, stir fry it.
砂糖と塩(1:1)を入れる。あんまり多くないっていい Season vegetables with salt and sugar(1:1 ratio) lightly to flavor it.
ご飯を入れて、混ぜる Pour in the rice and stir.
卵を入れる。もっと柔らかいご飯が欲しいなら、このまま入れていい。でも、もっとパサパサ感が欲しいなら、最初卵をちょっと焼いての方がいい Put in eggs, but if you want a drier fried rice, it would be better to fry the eggs to a half cooked stage before putting it in. For softer, wetter rice, putting it in now will do.