• お気に入り
  • 137もぐもぐ!
  • 17リスナップ
  • 2017/02/28
  • 2,570


みんなの投稿 (12)
ちこ から ケノービ
桜央里 から ちこ
わぁ、ぷっくりしてる(*ˊᵕˋ*)੭ ੈ



ちこ から あらいぐまのしっぽ
また行きたいなぁ٩( ᐛ )و
ちこ から 桜央里
ぷっくり牡蠣、まねっこー( ´ ▽ ` )
あらいぐまのしっぽ から ちこ
up 楽しみにしてますね✨
Hi ちこ san,this is so lovely!I think you picked very good noodles in HK,and from this seaweed flavour noodle,you made a wonderful fried noodle dish,you paired it so well with oyster and pork,really fantastic choice!
We usually buy plain ones,these dried noodles are so convenient at home for a quick meals.These days noodle shop has put flavours in them,I think that makes them more interesting,I never try any seaweed ones,but I am sure they are tasty.
You know Machiko San?I think she went to the same shop to get these too,I really should pay this place a visit!
After seeing more of your dishes now,I have to say I am really impressed with your cooking style,everything looks delicious coming out from your kitchen,and the combinations are always exciting!Thanks for showing me this one,can't wait to see more!!
ちこ から rick chan
I'm sure you are busy, sorry,calling you many times💦
I often use a combination of oysters and pork. 烤饺子 and 春卷...chopped together.
I bought other. 燕麦麺 and 蓮子百合麺、蝦子麺、orthodox鶏蛋麺.I have not seen them in Japan.
And I liked them because it seems that it doesn't use chemical seasoning(a little?not at all?)
I can't wait to use them.
Machikoさん isn't following each other.Always seeing her nice cooking,I respect her. Also fluent in Chinese!

I like to make sandwiches.Inspiration received in HK will be a 三明治🎵
If you have time, look at today's.
Haha,no worries,you are always welcome!
Please don't mind me coming late sometimes,I am usually busy,trying to clear up my work so I could enjoy some free time,but it's frustrating that the work keeps coming but the free time doesn't....
But I will still find time to see your cooking,it's inspiring for me!
You bought many types of noodle, 蝦籽麵 and 鷄蛋麵 is standard,I love them!
The others are quite unusual,I'd really like to try sometime,thanks for introducing some HK products to me!
If they claim there is no artificial flavours in them,I think they are could be trusted,HK laws require manufacturers to state the substances accurately,so please enjoy!
ちこ から rick chan
Thank you😊
Egg noodles and shrimp noodles can also be bought in Japan,but there are several of them in one package.
Especially, I can buy one by one rare noodles,it's wonderful. Because I'm living alone.
Kenobi was buying abalone and scallops etc.
汉方,木耳边,etc.. It's interesting!
I bought it without worrying because there was no indication of chemical seasoning.
I should have bought more.
I picked as few additives as possible and bought 鮑魚汁.
I am using it for stir-frying.
もぐもぐ! (137)
リスナップ (17)