• お気に入り
  • 219もぐもぐ!
  • 8リスナップ
  • 2013/06/06
  • 1,505


みんなの投稿 (21)
涼拌茄子/eggplant with vinegar soy sauce
九層塔炒蜆/stir fried clam with basil
韮菜花皮旦/stir fried flower chives with thousand year egg
Late night supper style from Taiwan,an array of side dishes are placed on counter for customers to pick,and eat along with congee.These are some of my favourite.
rick chan から SANJI🍻🍴😍
Thank you so much for your kind words,I am happy!
rick chan から apple
謝謝了,其實也不太熟悉的菜式,只是跟著食譜做,有點像潮州的"打冷",菜涼了還很好吃,夏天吃這類的食制感覺蠻舒服的!Thanks for resnaps too!
apple から rick chan
Resnap 謝謝(^_−)−☆
rick chan から apple
Love this dinner! I love congee so much! Especially Chinese congee! If it's possible i eat on everyday☺
All of your dishes has charming!
And tableware is unified with blue lines ,soooo beautiful✨✨
rick chan から ゆかり
I thought so,since I've seen you made congee.I have had very heavy meal so I made a Cantonese style plain congee and some light dishes,actually I felt a little inspired by your 惣菜dinner too.I am so fond of these late night dinners that they have in Taipei,so many dishes to choose from and too diffic
difficult to pick.Thanks for the compliment,and resnap too!
To: rikk
Thanks too!
Your dinner was perfect balanced than mine😊👍
今夜は、ヘルシーね♪ でもいつもながら素敵♪(❛ัॢᵕ❛ั ॢ)⿻⋆✩⃛*ೃ.⋆⿻
Wow!! ヮ(゚д゚)ォ!
That's perfect!!!😍
I'm interested in 韮菜花皮蛋!
Looks so delicious!
I suppose this is made from 韮&皮蛋&ground meat and... red pepper...or paprika?
And please tell me the seasoning that you took!
rick chan から いずみ
Thank you so much,had a few heavy meals before,so I needed something easy to my stomach and I felt good eating this!
rick chan から まる(丸大豆)
Thank you,and all the renaps too!
Here is how I do this:steam the 皮旦first around 4 mins(so it's set inside),then chop.In a pan,stir fry chopped ginger,gound pork,high heat,add soy sauce,white pepper,salt,little sugar,add some rice wine too,when this gets fragrant,add some water,cook for a min or 2,t
rick chan から まる(丸大豆)
,then add 皮旦,chopped red chili,stir a little bit,add chopped韮菜花(ハナニラ),quickly stir around,thicken slightly with 片栗粉,turn off heat,add some sesame oil,and there you are!If you can't find 韮菜花,にらis good too.Enjoy,hope you like this!
每道小菜都愛!胃口大增 😋😋😋
rick chan から MyRaX
MyRaX から rick chan
Thank you so much!!! ;)
I wrote your recipe on my note in Japanese! :)
I'm growing にらin my garden and that will make bloom in summer!
Maybe I think that is different ハナニラ as you use on cooking, but surelly so close to yours!
Absolutely, I'll try to cook 韮菜花皮旦 ;)
Thank you rikkさん😍👍
rick chan から まる(丸大豆)
How great,にらblooming in your garden soon,can't wait until you try this with your own crop!ハナニラis more crunchy,andにらis more aromatic,I think both are good!
もぐもぐ! (219)
リスナップ (8)