Wow,too many irresistible dishes!These look so tasty,especially 南禪寺蒸じ,I've heard of it,now I finally see you make it,tofu in chawanmushi,with cool ingredients like ユリ根 and a beautiful glaze,and you have used the aosa so well here,I think it adds some depth of flavour for egg and tofu!Love 白菜with Jap
Japanese mustard too,I had similar thing in Beijing,I can't forget how good it was,but that one was fermented,did you boil the cabbage of just marinade raw? Pork belly is sublime too,I love fish or meat marinaded in 酒粨,but t I can't recall I had 奈良漬けone before,I wonder how it tastes,I want to try so
bad!By the way,I always see your little round yuzu decoration,so exquisite and nice,I wonder where is the rest of the fruit,did you make jam from it?Please save me some...
Hi,Rick😊 I'm happy you liked these! I was satisfied with being able to make Washoku dish after a busy days.Yes,アオサ goes well with 南禅寺蒸😆🎶💕 No doubt you'll like this grilled pork! 酒粕's sweet smell goes well with pork.i want to make it for you badly.... I wonder what kind of cabbage dishes you ate?? Li
Like a pickles? My grandma used to make such fermented pickles with Chinese cabbage.and it was my favorite.Mine using just boiled cabbage😊 I big love Japanese citrus,I using Yuzu for my dishes everyday,Juice goes dressing or seasoning,peel is use for flavoring food like this.I use it I can't m
make Yuzu jam😁💦 Haha,I know you have same plate with me! This plate became my fave one already! Very useful,Even ordinary cuisine to glow in this plate.i'm so grateful to you that bought this for me. Thank you sweetie🙏✨I want to see how you use this plate too♪♪
I had that dish at a place called 厲家菜,it's very famous,they have a branch in Tokyo too.Chinese cabbage was used,and I think it was fermented,along with mustard,it was a very memorable dish for me. I read about this recipe somewhere but I couldn't find it... Sure,I will try using this plate too,I lo
南禅寺蒸しは 茶碗蒸しの中にお豆腐を入れて蒸しあげ、餡を掛けたものです。
豚肉ね♪ これは簡単で しかもんまいんですよ‼︎‼︎ 忙しい現代人にぴったり😁 次回会えるときに 奈良の奈良漬けをお持ちするので、残った酒粕で色々漬け込んで試して下さい😊
遅ればせながら あの夜は本当にありがとうごさいました!色んな場所からみんなが集まって会えた事が今でも感動です✨✨ また会いましょうね😊
もったいねぇお言葉ありがとうごぜぇます🙇 せっかくいただいたアオサを大好きな和食でいただきたくて 時間がある時を狙って作りました😁
えっと、それ以外は お茶漬けです 。。だいたい😉👍💕
あ!お茶漬けにもアオサ使える〜〜‼︎ しばらくお味噌汁でほっこりさせていただきます😊🙏🎶
豚バラブロックに奈良漬けの酒粕を塗りラップで包んで冷蔵庫で一晩ねかす。 フライパンで全面を軽く焼いてホイルで巻いてグリルで焼いたら 完成です😊 焦げやすいので焼く時のホイルは必須です😊
Pork belly is sublime too,I love fish or meat marinaded in 酒粨,but t I can't recall I had 奈良漬けone before,I wonder how it tastes,I want to try so
No doubt you'll like this grilled pork! 酒粕's sweet smell goes well with pork.i want to make it for you badly....
I wonder what kind of cabbage dishes you ate?? Li
I big love Japanese citrus,I using Yuzu for my dishes everyday,Juice goes dressing or seasoning,peel is use for flavoring food like this.I use it I can't m
Haha,I know you have same plate with me!
This plate became my fave one already! Very useful,Even ordinary cuisine to glow in this plate.i'm so grateful to you that bought this for me. Thank you sweetie🙏✨I want to see how you use this plate too♪♪
最近のわたしの楽しみはちぽちゃんからのコメントをもらえることです🎶 いつもコメントの雰囲気や言葉使いの面白さに軽いジェラシーを感じているわたしは変態です👍💕
年をとって和食が前よりもっと好きになって、お年寄りのような食卓に なった昨今。。自分はこれでいいのか。。と軽く自問自答してるんだよね🎶 たまに反動ですんげー濃いハンバーグとか作ります😁💦
I read about this recipe somewhere but I couldn't find it...
Sure,I will try using this plate too,I lo