The ready to hang 50 pieces of persimmon, took about 3 hours. It is a thing and hard to boil for a short time one by one to peel the persimmon skin. I think that we can eat in about a week later. I am not good at English. Do you through in this sentence?
You're welcome.。+゚(*´∀`*)。+゚ persimmon is astringent things like that hang out.(渋柿)The neat By hanging out persimmon you can not eat bitter, it will be sweet. Try doing when it clears up, if possible days in a row. God bless you☆
It is a thing and hard to boil for a short time one by one to peel the persimmon skin.
I think that we can eat in about a week later.
I am not good at English. Do you through in this sentence?
よろしくお願いします( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Boil time is only one 5 seconds.
persimmon is astringent things like that hang out.(渋柿)The neat By hanging out persimmon you can not eat bitter, it will be sweet.
Try doing when it clears up, if possible days in a row.
God bless you☆