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  • 211もぐもぐ!
  • 25リスナップ
  • 2014/06/12
  • 1,918

rick chanのイカトマトソースのパスタからの〜ミートライスコロッケ〜

みんなの投稿 (6)
先日トマトパセータ発見✨✨ リックさんのこのパスタを思い出しつくったよ😊 この歳で初めてイカを解体しました 笑 パセータは初めて買いましたがこれを使ったリックさんのソースは濃厚ですごく美味しかったです。 ソースいっぱいつくったので、残りはひき肉混ぜてライスコロッケにしたよ😋
I can't believe it,first time cut apart a squid,but it's not difficult,is it?
I am very happy you tried my favorite pasta sauce,I really love the rich flavor that squid gives to the sauce.But if you could not find passata,crush tomatoes are also good!It's just that Italians always use passata to ma
make pasta sauce,bolognese too.
Such a good job,you seems to make everything so beautiful,I also like your rice croquettes a lot,you are a great cook!
Thank you agin for making my dish,it's my honor!
To: reachon ようちゃん ありがとね~ヽ(*´∀`)ノ
パセータはイタリア語で漉したていう意味らしい。トマトピューレと一緒かな? パスタ得意にみえる?私二人分以上つくれんよ 笑 コロッケも作り始めたら あら?(・∀・) 卵ない!って気づき~卵なしでつくったさぁ いつもこんな~ 笑
みどり から rick chan
To: rikk Rick-san Thank you so~~much! Yes, all these years, almost 20 years I've never tried that. So I started from checking Web how I do with those Squid. Ha-ha. I'm still not good at cooking seafoods from scratch. But by trying your dish, I "feel like" made a progress a little, being able to t
being able to taste that rich source thanks to you and Yukari-san:) I use canned crush tomatoes making pasta source usually but yes, next time, want to try Passeta for Bolognese or Capellini. Arigatou ne!
もぐもぐ! (211)
リスナップ (25)