• お気に入り
  • 294もぐもぐ!
  • 51リスナップ
  • 2017/02/05
  • 3,825


みんなの投稿 (3)
It was delicious.
But I still wish my octopus is more tender.I bashed it,then froze it in fridge,thawed and cooked at low temperature in sou vide.So many ways doing it,but anyone could offer an absolute best and easiest way?
Good afternoon Rizmu!
Thank you for your kind comments!
たこめし is really delicious,just very simple with ginger,and I am happy!
I love octopus,but still haven't discovered the best way cooking it!
Your mother is a good cook,have to try her method with daikon!
I guess your good talents come from the family!
Thank you プラウ San,that's useful information,I never thought we could use awamori to soften octopus,may be that's the traditional way for Okinawa,I trust that going to work,I will try it too,thanks!
There must good Okinawa octopus dishes too,will look out for them!
Haha,no way,your English is excellent,I could understand completely!!
もぐもぐ! (294)
リスナップ (51)