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  • 430もぐもぐ!
  • 38リスナップ
  • 2014/02/22
  • 1,996


みんなの投稿 (15)
With えごま味噌 and えごまの葉
Korean taste recommended by the great Yukari San,once again,with her help,I am tasting a lot of her delicious food.えごま is a totally new taste to me,and took me a long distance to get,but definitely worth it.Thank you so much my gourmet friend!
This is it!! the long waiting couple of days finally finished🙌💕I wanted to see it!
Good for you! Finally you got 荏胡麻 leaf,also 荏胡麻味噌!(or did you made it yourself?)I'm happy for you that you savored my fav herb! I can imagine how long time you looked for it.cuz it's slightly rare herb in here too..
Did you bought at Korean grocery?? How was taste? it's slightly similar taste with 紫蘇,don't you think?
Anyway,What a fine view!
your rice ball are always perfect shapes✨I've never seen such beautiful Onigiri. i'm sure you could handle well than me!
I've to say thanks,your lovely Onigiri feast for m
my eyes!
Oh,you are welcome my special foodie buddy😊
rick chan から 麻紀子
Thank you,you are very kind!
It was new taste for me too,but recommended by Yukari San,it's her favorite thing to eat and I have to try!
Thanks to all Japanese friends here,my Japanese knowledge and cooking are improving,but still have so much to learn!
rick chan から ゆかり
えごまの葉 is easy to get here,but not the えごまitself.The Korean shop in Tsukiji closed down,and I could hardly find any place sells it,one place only sells 1kg package,and that's too much for me.Finally I found a shop that sells 250g package at reasonable price.But it was worth the effort,I love this new
taste,I made miso from scratch,found a recipe in the net,that used relatively large amount of えごま,and I am very happy with it!Together with the leaves,they are so tasty!I have lots of leaves left,so I made something else with some and marinade in soy sauce with the rest.
Haha,my shaping skill is scr
cruffy,I just took time to make a better one at front,I am sure you could make pretty ones with your magic hands!But thank you Yukari San,always makes my day hearing you compilments!
To: rikk
Wow... I amazed again that you made 荏胡麻味噌 too!! I know how tasty that homemade 荏胡麻味噌!
However,1kg! 😳It's too much deal for me too🙌💦
Good for you,you could get just right quantity😁
And I'm happy you also liked this taste! Thanks too😌💕
rick chan から machiko
Thank you,makes me happy hearing your comment!
rick chan から おりぃ
Thanks so much,I am happy to hear from a Japanese!
もぐもぐ! (430)
リスナップ (38)