• お気に入り
  • 189もぐもぐ!
  • 5リスナップ
  • 2013/03/12
  • 1,674

雞ももとトマト茶漬けorぶぶ漬けas suggested by Yukanakata33 San

みんなの投稿 (17)
Also with celery,edamame,nori.(セロリ、枝豆、のり)
I am still not too keen at the idea of putting tea in my rice,so I use dashi,may be I should call this ゆめし.
To: rikk
I think it isn't "Yumeshi"(u mean 湯飯?) but "Bubuzuke". "Bubu" is stands for just boiled water or sometimes Japanese soup stock.
To: yukanakata33 thank you so much,it's good to know!
New to me but looks soo good! Wanna try some(o^^o)〜☆
To: rikk
不用謝;)) Sometimes we call it other name, it's depends on local color, haha!
Wow! yummy looks! I think
it's good call that you used dashi.i used to 天茶(putting on天ぷら)or鰻茶漬けwith dashi.(I using Powderly昆布茶) and i wanna say to about beautiful your pottery👀✨ fantastic glazed color! is it artist made one? so cool! goes with your dishes😊🌟
To: rikk How did you cook chicken??
To: yukaringg thank you,I love 天茶and鰻茶漬け,so you mean for these I could use a dashi made with昆布茶?I have this too at home.So glad you like this bowl of mine,not made by an artist,only by an artist wannabe,and that's me😥,I love ceramic so much and I started learning it a few years back,it's only recent
To: yukaringg recently I've got too busy that I have to give it up for a while,but as soon as I have more time ,I will continue.This is a less successful one,I have given away the better ones to my friends, promised far too many people than I could manage...
To: Maringo25 debone chicken leg,roll it up,tie up with kitchen string,slowly poach in water with ginger and scallion,till cooked through,around 20 mins,depend on size.
To: rikk thanks! I'll try one of these ochazuke with chicken ;)
To: rikk
I think good for you used 鰹&昆布出汁on this time.when if you get cocking for 天茶or other style茶漬け,please try 昆布茶.if you like😊
I was taught this idea by天ぷらrestaurant chef.so quickly&easily to be tasty😋
To: rikk
By the way,so that means of this bowl is your original made!! ✨✨
Woow!! How many do you have a talent?😵I really admire you! I also hope to resume your ceramic art....cause You have good taste! about ceramic art too!!😄👏
To: yukaringg thank you,this seems much easier,good to know from a professional!Thank you for the compliment of the bowl too,it is my original,but really no big deal,I will resume and have to work much harder.
To: yukaringg No more talents,I just teach French in university and build airplanes with my spare time ......... ...haha just joking😊!
To: rikk
👆in addition that,you send a reply comment to us from NASA.
(I know,Your secret is safe with me)

thanks for talking! I love your wit!!😄
To: yukaringg haha thank you,have a nice weekend!
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