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  • 86もぐもぐ!
  • 14リスナップ
  • 2017/01/18
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Rick's hasselback apple

みんなの投稿 (3)
Rick の焼き林檎🍎すっごい良いアイデア。これだとすぐ焼けるし食べやすいね😃 スライスりんごにグラニュー糖、シナモン、バターひとかけ、ブランデーふりふりで焼いたよ。地味なフォトでごめんよー

Rick, I love this idea! It's easy to bake and easy to eat. I'm sure I'll do this again. I feel sorry that it looks much different from your photo😂. I minded dieting so gave up any toffee sauce or ice cream but it was still fabulous.
rick chan から cocoa
Hi cocoa san!Thank you for making this,hassleback apple is similar style to the potato,makes it quicker to cook and easy to eat,the grids are attractive to look at,and hassleback apple benefits from the sauce too,which get right through the grids and makes every bite so tasty,personally I would love toffee or caramel sauce,or even ice cream,but I understand diet is important too,luckily apple itself is good enough!
cocoa から rick chan
Thanks, Rick. I love toffee sauce very much❤️ I'd like to try it. I wish I could have had it. But after New Years holiday I've put my weight😂. Instead of sweets attraction, I poured lots of brandy🍸 and it worked well. Definitely I will try this way again😆
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リスナップ (14)