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Popular Northern Vietnamese food,a steamed rice sheet wraps around a mixture of pork,prawns,mushroom etc,I have big love for this.
At the top is cha que,a Vietnamese pork pâté spiced with cinnamon,I had this when I was in Vietnam,I really missed it a lot but could not be found here.This one bought b
back by a colleague who recently visited Hanoi,I specifically asked for it!
生春巻みたいなものでしょうか?皮がもっちりしているみたい(*゚▽゚*) スパイスもたっぷり効いていてとても美味しそうです。
Oh it can't be found here in japan (>_<)
rick chan から 麻紀子
I should have said but I forgot,I did not make the rice sheet wrapping myself,I bought them...I am not as good as Yukari San,she made her own!Anyway,this is a little thicker than the wrapping of 生春巻(which I love to!),but softer,after steamed,like thick rice noodle,but in one piece.That's right,the p
pâté is so delicious spice with cinnamon,it's very special,I wish I could buy here...!Thank you for your kind comments,and resnap too!
rick chan から :::Lucky:::
I think you have a good chance to get this steamed roll in Japan,it's a popular dish!But pork pare could be difficult....
Banh cuon? I don't know it.I want to eat it.😌❤️
It bring me back to memory of Vietnam trip...😌💕thanks for showing this! I have eaten banh cuon in Vietnam,but it distant memory..I really miss it too!
So You received souvenirs of yummy stuff,n it's so rare stuff!!
Vietnamese pork pâté is rarely to find in Japan too..also such steamed rice paper too
so I gave it up to make like this authentic rolls by myself😢you are so lucky to have thoughtful colleague! Humm💕looks soooo tasty! It extremely touched me😍👍
rick chan から 黄な粉
It's rice crepes roll stuffed with lots of goodies!You know I love Vietnamese,this got to be at my top.It's popular dish,you might find it at Vietnamese restaurant in Tokyo,if not,the closest is Taiwan,for sure!
rick chan から ゆかり
I envy you have golden experience in Vietnam,I wish you travel more and visit to these old places,I promise you will get new perspective of them,and at same time bring back
great memories!If there is anyone in Japan who could master this dish,I think it's you,since you could make beautiful 腸粉,so ple
please don't give up!It's almost the same,but this one has more texture and flavours,I am sure you will love this!Yes,I have wonderful colleagues,they bought this cinnamon pork pâté for me,I missed that really bad,only normal ones could be found here...such a shame they could not be found in Japan,b
but your delicious French one will stop the craving for a while before you go to Vietnam!Thanks for all resnaps!!
Oh,this rice wrapper is made from similar ingredients with 腸粉?mmm...I doubt if I can make such beautiful one.. even now my 腸粉 are misery looks🙀💦😁but thanks saying so😊🙏💕
Anyway,did you bought it(raw type rice wrapper) at market?So every HK people buy it for home cooking?
I can get only dried rice wra
wrapper in Japan,so I am curious in this.I wonder what kind of food you'll make with this..
Yeah...😔I will calmly endure with French pate instead of Vietnamese one..😁
rick chan から ゆかり
I am sorry I didn't explain clearly.This wrapper is same as 腸粉,just that Vietnamese has good technique that make this soft and silky.Since it's too much trouble and set up to make this at home,I have to buy ready made,it's fresh,we could just use it as it is.Not as soft,but steaming it after wrappin
wrapping will make it acceptable.This wrapper is good for other stuff too.I'll see if I could make another dish from it.And there is a slightly thicker version too,and when cut up,it becomes 河粉,and features in famous rice noodle dish such as 乾炒牛河,or soup noodle dish too,eaten with fish balls usually
The 生春卷 is thinner,and comes in dried form,It's probably the stuff that you buy in Japan.Texture is slightly chewy(but pleasant)when eaten cold.I think the deep fried Vietnamese spring rolls also use this wrapper,very famous dish as well,the stuffing is similar to this👆,and the wrapping is crispy an
and light when fried,I love that too!
Your 腸粉 is excellent,you should be proud,and knowing how to do that,there are a lot of different dishes you could eat,even in Japan!
Thanks for telling me detail.
I see,it's became noodle if shredded.sounds great tasty😍
I love all of Asian noodle,but usually should make with dried one..😔I can't complain n those are still good for me...mmm...I can't help but think envy you! anytime you can buy it at neighborhood!😊Anyway,I took a b
I took a brief rest for 腸粉 lesson,but i getting motivation again💪✨
Yeah,I craving to see your other dishes too! If you made something
from it,please please!
rick chan から ゆかり
You are welcome!For sure,I will make more dishes with the noodles!No need to envy me to much,I know I am lucky to be able to get all these delicious noodle,but right now I am craving for a good hand made thick udon,served cold and with the most basic things,tempera flakes are essential for me...can'
can't find this in HK,making handmade udon couldn't pay the rent here...
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