• お気に入り
  • 309もぐもぐ!
  • 8リスナップ
  • 2013/05/02
  • 1,343


みんなの投稿 (9)
My kitchen is still not quite ready yet,so I have to keep it simple.
豆醬is like a more salty miso from Chiu Chow province,China
雞翼is chicken wing.
Looks so yummy!
You're waiting excitedly completion of your kitchen :))
豆醤 is just like 豆豉??
To: romie Thank you,kitchen completed,but nothing much changed,only new work top and sinks.So happy getting back into it after a week of take away!Chinese豆鼓is fermented black beans.豆醤is like a yellow miso with visible whole soy bean,it's quite salty.I mashed up the beans for this.Tasty stuff!
To: rikk
Hello rikk
Thank you for explainning me the difference !
I have'nt ever used 豆醬,I'd like to try it !thanx!
Looks yummy ~~ヾ( ´∀`*)*
To: Ory thank you,glad you like this!
rick chan から いよこ🍻
Thank you so much for resnap,makeshift happy hearing your compliment!
もぐもぐ! (309)
リスナップ (8)