The main ingredient here is freshly picked peaches from the farmer’s market in Finger Lakes, Upstate New York. Peaches, cucumbers and baby greens were layered and topped with homemade maple granola (maple syrup, walnuts, dried cranberries and pumpkin seeds). Virgin Olive Oil, White Balsamic Vinegar, Salt and Pepper were drizzled over the salad. The peach’s mild yet sweet flavor perfectly matches with the crisp sourness of white balsamic vinegar and the crunchiness of granola.
Peaches, cucumbers and baby greens were layered and topped with homemade maple granola (maple syrup, walnuts, dried cranberries and pumpkin seeds). Virgin Olive Oil, White Balsamic Vinegar, Salt and Pepper were drizzled over the salad.
The peach’s mild yet sweet flavor perfectly matches with the crisp sourness of white balsamic vinegar and the crunchiness of granola.
アップステート•ニューヨークにあるFinger Lakesの朝市で手に入れた新鮮なピーチに、キュウリと、ベイビーグリーンズを合わせ、自家製のメープルグラノラ(メープルシロップ、クルミ、ドライクランベリー、パンプキンシード)を乗せました。ドレッシングは、シンプルにバージンオリーブオイルと、ホワイトバルサミコ酢、塩、胡椒。ピーチのほどよい甘味とバルサミコ酢の酸味、グラノラのサクサク感がたまりません💕
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