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  • 211もぐもぐ!
  • 9リスナップ
  • 2013/04/15
  • 1,308

Cabbage,lentil and pea soup,onion and olive focaccia

みんなの投稿 (21)
I prefer to make focaccia with potato,and I like it better when it's freshly bake and still warm!Also would like some more colour on the top,but the oven stopped itself and I couldn't wait anymore...
Focaccia我最愛吃了😍而且洋蔥跟black olive也是我喜歡的口味!😋
To: noborionapple 謝謝,也是我最愛的版本,把炒過洋蔥的油也一併放上,整個包也滿有香味的。很喜歡吃歐陸的麪包,但沒有耐性做,這個是較容易又掌握得好些的,謝謝resnap!
To: elijah thank you!
Like delicious focaccia, I like focaccia😍
Thank you for resnap😊
Last week I went to 合羽橋. I can't see that I like frying pan😰 I will try next time😁
To: Kaycook You are welcome!I'm not very good at baking,but my focaccia always comes out good!Wow,must be a special pan that you were looking for,there are so many to buy in 合羽橋,I always have a hard time what not to buy!Anyway,better luck next time!
🇮🇹Combination of cabbage soup and focaccia, very delicious. Focaccia is like. 😄
Your dish is very wonderful.
I am fortunate only by looking.
Thank you.
I'm sorry if he is poor at English and it is wrong. (*^^*)
To: bluedishes 謝謝你,太誇獎了,只是普普通通的家庭菜式,開餐廳的話,還須努力一點呢!
To: 0987hiropon thank you,I'm not good at making bread,but I'm happy with this focaccia!
To: hiro911 thank you!your dishes are beautiful too,I was looking at your photos for so long!I think you have a lot of skills!Your English is fine,I understand perfectly!Will look forward to more of your cooking!
To: rikk 誰每天吃到你做的菜可真幸福
To: bluedishes 請恕我直言,我有時的確是會這樣幻想的😊,也謝謝你的讚賞!你那樣懂說話,你身邊的人也必樂透了!
Haha♪ I understand your feeling.
Soooo goood the aroma of new made bread,right?
Anyway, I'm surprised that you get baking bread as well ! You can handle anything👏👏
To: yukaringg I love bread too much,but I am very picky for my bread,for one thing,my bread making skill is just not good enough for my taste,this is the only type I can accept.May be someday I would really concentrate on this and learn,if I am in Japan,I'll probably ask to work in a bakery too.Also
To: yukaringg a good oven is essential too,preferably the stone ones we talked about!Thanks for resnap too!
To: rikk
I see, Surly you can get baking more kind of bread,if you have more time.
You've sense about baking too,I can sense from this post.actually I was baking day by day before…But at last couldn't get perfect...So my baking work will start again.wish me luck!
And nice weekend for you!✨✨
To: yukaringg I would really want to bake more,I will try for sure,thanks for the encouragement!Must be something very good you are baking,I am so anxious to know,anyway good luck!I still remember your earlier posts,apple pie and lemon meringue pie,they are just so perfect ,aren't they?Anyway,good l
To: yukaringg luck,have a nice weekend too!
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