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  • 2013/01/07
  • 1,079

Bun Rieu/ Vietnamese noodle with crab and tomato

みんなの投稿 (8)
Had this in a restaurant and became one of my favorite.This is my take on it,the stock is made with crab shell and tomato,reduced down until really intense.Like many south east Asia dish,this has so much different flavour going on in one mouthful!
Mr.rikk good evening. 😊
Have you seen that movie The Scent of Green Papaya Vietnamese ? If you look at the photos of Mr.rikk cuisine of Vietnam, I always remember this movie. Cooking is a wonderful movie as lively. 😊✨✨👍
To: hiko117 this is called'檬'in Cantonese ,a round noodle made from rice,thicker than vermicelli,luckily we could get this in HK,but I heard there are so many other different types of rice noodle in Vietnam.I agree the world is large!
To: 0987hiropon what a surprise you know this movie!I have seen it a few time,shot by director陳英雄,it's slow (I had a lot of patience then),but very stylish and full of beautiful photograghy, with a lot of close up shots!Such an honor my photo reminds you of that movie,words cannot describe how happy
To: 0987hiropon
I am!Thank you for resnap too!
To: MangoPudding 跟你談話實在獲益良多,無論英文或中文也寫得那樣生動有趣!對啊,這個湯確實不錯,還是第一次做,下次可以再濃稠一點。越南朋友說傳統應該用膏蟹做的,但當天找不到,下次會試試!
To: rikk
😄謝謝誇獎。這個其實是上海話裡的一種表達方式,來形容食物的鮮美。覺得挺生動的。仔細想來人在開心或得意時,面部表情與眉毛有很直接地聯繫耶 😄😉 個人喜歡你這次的version,不過用蟹膏出來的效果一定會更勝一籌 👍
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