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  • 2015/11/11
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Pear tart

みんなの投稿 (21)
Have been trying to make this for such a long time.I went all the way and did the pear compote from scratch.
Love pear so much!
rick chan から ハル
Thank you so much,always want to try this,I am glad it went well!
rick chan から tomocarat.
Thank you so much!Happy to hear!I am sure Tomocarat San could do this better!
Hi Tomo San, probably have to say good morning to you!
I love making tarts more than cakes now,and about the crust,I'll give you a little tip if you have difficulty.The recipe is probably right,but try rolling out the dough between two pieces of cling film,no need extra flour or anything,and when you get to the right size and thickness,move the whole thing to the fridge and let it firm up a little,then remove one piece of cling film and mold this side onto the pan,push in the sides and corners,now you could remove the top piece of cling film,then tidy everything up,and let it set in the fridge for a few hrs before you bake,like this and you will nail it everytime,please try!
Making compote is dead easy too!
Thank you so much,I am glad you like this square mold,I think it work well particularly with this tart!
You are welcome,glad to share what I know!
After lining the mold I always leave it overnight and bake in the morning,that way rarely shrinks,books always says 2 hr.,but it's never enough.
I really look forward to your tarts!
你把洋梨擺得真漂亮! 在方形的模具裡擺得這麼整整齊齊肯定很不容易把。我昨晚參加SD朋友們的會餐,大家都向你做的飯菜讚歎不已,還說你拍的照片十分漂亮。
老實說我這次寫留言,有一個請求,昨晚的會餐其實是我好友May的餞行會,她的先生被公司調到香港,她們夫妻這個月末就要搬到香港。她在香港一個朋友也沒有,現在很擔心新的生活。你可不可以給她介紹一些好餐廳和食品市場? 如果你答應的話,我就讓她給你寫留言吧。May(Mayutak)是你的粉絲之一,也是絲帶用戶,她的圖標是布狗狗。

rick chan から まちまちこ
May San 我是有點印象的。被公司派來香港工作嗎?請跟她説,也不用太擔心的。總算是很現代的城市,一切也很方便,日式超市也有的,吃的方面不成問題。禮儀方面,這裏沒有像日本那麼講究,是需要適應一下的。若她有需要的話,可以隨時聯絡我的,我會盡量幫忙,希望她盡快可以適應下來!
非常感謝很熱情的回信! 那我把你的答复轉告May吧。真不好意思我答复得太簡單。今天我還要工作…
rick chan から まちまちこ
まちまちこ から rick chan
rick chan から まちまちこ
相信 May San 有很多東西要處理的,請讓她到埗後才跟我聯絡吧!但請你也轉告一下,我將會在28號出門,3號半夜才回到香港的。
謝謝你用心! 我已經把你的留言轉告May了。她準備後天到香港。
Rick! 我看了你的紅葉的照片! 蠻漂亮! 我想把這張照片掛在房間裡! 這也是用iPhone拍的嗎?
rick chan から まちまちこ
是 iPhone 影的,喜歡的話請隨便用!
Thank you for following me! I am very happy about it.

As you know that heard from Machiko, I've been moved to Hong Kong last week. I feel I need to learn Cantonese. I also need to study English.

Please tell me the Hong Kong, Hong Kong food and cooking, and something like that. I'm looking forward to it.
Hi May San!
You are welcome in Hong Kong,I hope you settle down soon and have a new and happy life here!Hong Kong is a very international city,it you are used to city life,you should find it easy to get around,even without speaking Cantonese,but it's always good to learn!
If there is anything you need to know,I am here to help.I am sure you have 'line' account,please contact me with my user name 'rikkchan',let's talk over there!
rick chan から May
Hi May San,so sorry I replied you👆 but forget to press your button,I hop this gets to you!
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