boil the muttom along with 1 tbl spoon salt and little onion keep it ready keep little mutton boul water also Heat the pan add the following as directed 1 oil heat it to 1.5 mins 2 add cumins seed after 2 sec add green chille with cut onion fry this till onions turns brown 3 add salt as required 4 add cut tomoto and fry till tomoto skim peels 5 add chille powder and stir well 6 add coroander powder immediately add boiled mutton stir it well 7 after some time add pepper 8 add very little mutton boiled water 9 stir it till mutton dry and well cooked( check the picture) 10 if mutton dry still need more cooking repeate 8 and 9 steps
Hot spicy mutton dry prepared by me
My daughter enjoying it