This was actually my second try,The first try,I used 牛すじ. And this time was chunk meat. I love both taste! I could enjoy eating with your help.Thank you for giving me greatest moment! At the back..I made 鮮蝦菜苗餃 and ended in a fizzle..😰😰however,Failure at only looks ,taste was good😊
Haha,it's been a while,I vaguely remember I talked you through how to make 紅燒牛肉麵,right?This is gorgeous,I think you have nailed it,I will walk in any shop with this photo hanging outside,no joke!Yep,there is many versions of 紅燒牛肉麵 with different noodle,soup and part of beef,no one could say which is
most original,just every shop does it differently.I am glad you like this dried type 刀削麵 too,it's convenient,but lucky you,seems like it's easy to get freshly made in Japan now more than HK! Wow,I big love 鮮蝦菜苗餃,I always order this at dim some restaurants,but not every place has this.Again it seems
difficult to handle,especially with this wrapping,I think yours are enough good,knowing you,l know you won't stop until you find the perfect way to make this,so it's just a matter of time!Keep me inspired with your food! So what's with the R 公?It seems funny!
Haha,no way! You've overstatement! I think it's ordinary noodle in your country. But thank you for saying so. As for me,紅燒牛肉麺 or 刀削麺 are my longing stuff. So I was glad that I could make it at home with authentic method.Haha,yeah! We found restaurant which serves 刀削麺 at Osaka,I never know it until t
until then! Nevertheless,I appreciate to you.thank you! 鮮蝦菜苗餃 was too much tricky with very soft dough..thank you for encouraging.yep,always there is next time! About R公,you see ま公San using kinda this stamp.also なみちゃん or まきこさんtoo.I also gifted stamp from ま公さん.(please have a check)So I made yo
そんな私をクレイジーだと思ったのか 後に 刀削麺を送ってくれました♪ありがとう🙏🎶
いくつかRickの助けを得て 麺料理を作りましたが、中でもこの紅焼牛肉麺はとっても美味しかったです😋
I love both taste! I could enjoy eating with your help.Thank you for giving me greatest moment!
At the back..I made 鮮蝦菜苗餃 and ended in a fizzle..😰😰however,Failure at only looks ,taste was good😊
わたしは 小学生の頃に なるほどザワールド(キンキンの) でリポートされてるのを見てからずっと憧れていました😁 これも だいぶ懐かしいテレビ番組ですね😂
わたしの大事な友達Rickも ま公一門にぜひ入って欲しいから スタンプ作ったよ😁 後で本人に説明しとくわ😊🎶
Rickのレシピはどれも美味しいけど、口水鷄は特に大好きなレシピだよ♪ 作るのも難しくないからお勧めです😊🎶
Wow,I big love 鮮蝦菜苗餃,I always order this at dim some restaurants,but not every place has this.Again it seems
So what's with the R 公?It seems funny!
I think it's ordinary noodle in your country.
But thank you for saying so.
As for me,紅燒牛肉麺 or 刀削麺 are my longing stuff. So I was glad that I could make it at home with authentic method.Haha,yeah! We found restaurant which serves 刀削麺 at Osaka,I never know it until t
About R公,you see ま公San using kinda this stamp.also なみちゃん or まきこさんtoo.I also gifted stamp from ま公さん.(please have a check)So I made yo
So this is friendship stamp😁
わたし奈良だよ😁 鹿の国に住んでるの😁🎶 中華街近いのかな?いいなぁ。。わたしあそこ楽しくって大好き💕
この鉢はもう20年近くずっとつかってる古株です 気に入ってくれて嬉しい😊 わたし中華を本格的に作るのが趣味で、たまにゆかりん飯店ごっこをしています。家で。一人で。😰
Very witty😂😂 love it👍
I'll send stamp's image to you later,if you made ま公さん's dishes,please use it for her😁
鹿の国 すてきです😍