To: yamako45 Thank you! In Chinese cooking, we have fried rice with a sauce serves on top too.To make the sauce,just sauté some mince ginger in oil,add chicken stock(or water and 顆粒中華コンソメ),薄口醬油,little sugar,pepper,sake,add tofu,thicken with 片粟粉,add ごま油.This sauce make the fried rice really good,plea
To: tibitaityou thank you and the resnap too!You are right,I made this with spring in my mind!In Chinese cooking,we sometimes serve a fried rice with some kind of あん on top too!I have to say this fried rice is specially good eaten with some tofu in each spoonful!
To: kaochin04 thank you!You know I'm always thinking about cooking,too many ideas but not enough time...I have a similar recipe in my notes,but I can't remember where I got it from...I switched a few things to make this more "spring",really like this fried rice eaten with tofu!Chinese style fried ri
To: rikk Oh sure,my pleasure ! I see☺I think you're full of new ideas,so your dish is always fresh. Chinese style fried rice is one of my favorite Chinese food, but I haven't eaten your fried rice yet. At point,Using tofuあん is nice choice.✨ By the way,i'm always looking forward to updating in your
To: kaochin04 thanks!I love making traditional dishes with a little twist,sometimes switching for unusual ingredients,but I try not to stray too far,it has to make sense too,it's very challenging for me!
お豆腐も意外な組み合わせで美味しそうです( ̄^ ̄)ゞ💖💖💖
Thanks!I'll try before long!
Oh sure,my pleasure !
I see☺I think you're full of new ideas,so your dish is always fresh.
Chinese style fried rice is one of my favorite Chinese food, but I haven't eaten your fried rice yet. At point,Using tofuあん is nice choice.✨
By the way,i'm always looking forward to updating in your