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みんなの投稿 (29)
NANA から まりんご

You have great sense of cooking at such a young age,please keep up the good work,I'll look forward to your beautiful dishes!Thank you for resnap!
フォローありがとうございます( ´͈ ᗨ `͈ )◞♡⃛ よろしくお願いします٩̋(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑)
NANA から rick chan
Thank you for your message❤︎
And sorry for my late reply(T_T)

You have good taste in taking photos.
I like yours(*^^*)!
I'm leaning a lot from you.

I'm studying English because I want to go abroad(about 6months).
If I make mistakes,please teach me in easy English. m(_ _)m
NANA から ひろりん
Thank you,and resnaps too!I am happy that you like what I do.I will try my best to help,and I hope you could work hard at your English,so that you could communicate with the world,I sincerely hope the best for you whatever you do!
Nyam | 照ちゃん から NANA
I'm just curious, nana-san.. What's your course? Because your dishes are really beautiful and none of them are Japanese cuisine! 😀
Nyam | 照ちゃん から rick chan
How about you, Rick chan, how did you learn to cook so well? Your photography is also really state of the art, did you study that in school? I'm a self-taught chef and photographer, so I don't have a lot of styles unlike you. ^^;
To: rikk
Are you a photographer? *^^*
and your Japanese cuisines look so 'real ' !
for example「精進太巻き」「おにぎり」^^

I know さんまの焼きおにぎり for the first time!
It looks so tasty. I want to try to cook ! *^^*
To: sakichan63
いえ全然、気が向いたときにつくっているだけです m(__)m

そしてこんなお料理をささっとだせたら,かっこいいですよね*^^* いつもこんなお料理を食卓に出せるなんて、尊敬しますm(__)m

hello !*^^*
Thank you for your message.♡
and I'm glad you say so ^^

Cooking is my hobby, so, though not everyday , I enjoy it *^^*

i cook Japanese cuisine too. But i think Rick chan's are 'realer' than mine!
His photos are so beautiful *^^*

which country do you live in? and are your husband
To: nyamnyamnyam hello !*^^*
Thank you for your message.♡
and I'm glad you say so ^^

Cooking is my hobby, so, though not everyday , I enjoy it *^^*

i cook Japanese cuisine too. But i think Rick chan's are 'realer' than mine!
His photos are so beautiful *^^*

which country do you live in? and a
To: nyamnyamnyam which country do you live in? and are your husband Japanese? ^^

Your なすの卵いため おにぎり みたらし団子 天ぷら... look so tasty!!! *^^*
Nyam | 照ちゃん から NANA
Thank you! But that mitarashi dango, I didn't cook. I just bought it somewhere in Mie-ken. ^^;

Wow, you're really good at your hobby. Keep it up!

I agree about rick chan's dishes. They are food magazine-quality photos and the most real and consistently delicious-looking I've ever encountered in S
NANA から あきら
あと車がかっこいいです^ ^
rick chan から Nyam | 照ちゃん
Thank you for the compliment and so sorry for the late reply.I work as a hairdresser,but got very interested in cooking and photography since I was much younger,I am self taught too,been doing it for a long time now,so it all came down to experience,and it's probably the same advice you will often h
rick chan から Nyam | 照ちゃん
hear,but it's true:if you like something,stay focus,be curious enough to get down to the bottom of everything,and many observations and practice whenever you have a chance,and you will be as good as anyone in no time.And as for me,I never get tired of learning new stuffs!
Thanks so much for the compliments!I am a hairdresser,but also interested in cooking and photography a lot,Thank you for the compliments on my Japanese food,I am actually still learning ,I read a lot to get information,so I encourage Nana San to do the same,if you are interested in cooking,also eat
out a lot in restaurants to see how other people work,then go home and practice more,you will become a good cook too,I am sure you are very talented!SD is a great place,everyone in here will help too if you ask!
あきら から NANA
Nyam | 照ちゃん から NANA
I didn't notice that my message was cut -_- anyway, I'll continue it here... ^^;

...the most real and consistently delicious looking I've ever encountered in SnapDish. To tell you the truth, I keep on going back to his profile from time to time to study his photos and cooking (with my still poor J
Nyam | 照ちゃん から NANA
...(with my still poor Japanese) and try to learn it. But as you can see, it hasn't been reflected on my photos. Hahaha 😅

Well, you're right, I'm married to a wonderful Japanese and living here in Nara for 5months now. 😊
Nyam | 照ちゃん から rick chan
Wow, Rick chan! You're so talented! What can you not do or learn to do? 🙀 you really go for it when you want it, huh? I will try to do the same. 😊

Thank you for the peppy advice. Your determination is inspiring! Don't tell me you developed your English on your own too... Or I will faint out of envy
Nyam | 照ちゃん から rick chan
...Or I will faint out of envy! (Because my Japanese language progress has been slow learning on my own at home. Hahaha)

(This short comments are difficult, huh?)
咲きちゃん から NANA
もぐもぐ! (154)
リスナップ (5)