• お気に入り
  • 291もぐもぐ!
  • 15リスナップ
  • 2013/07/04
  • 1,639


みんなの投稿 (17)
Actually only tomato,baby corn,okura…
🎶Carmen McRae-Sarah,dedicated to you🎶
Wow... One for me please! 😋
It's a summertime. ♪ヽ(∇⌒ヽ)(ノ⌒∇)ノ♪
Aww😍💕thank you soooo much rick
I have never know her sound,I can't wait to listening!! I'll go YouTube
Right now!
Sorry....I'll back again soon!
rick chan から ゆかり
You are welcome,her voice is quite special,very easy to recognize with,not as much as Nina though but still unusual!This particular album is really good!
rick chan から ゆかり
Thanks for all the resnap too!
rick chan から apple
I stayed up late last night,listening her song for a while!(I already get at i tune😁) i was into right away her great voice😍
Wow,I've never know about her...so far... Actually,I can't live without music.so i appreciate your recommend!I was able to known what great artist😆🎶
rick chan から ゆかり
It's my pleasure!Actually I was looking through my collection,and I found out there aren't too many thing I could pick for you,because you probably have most of what I like anyway,and the rest are not just as great,anyway,I will still try my best,and I'll do something outside the jazz too.Also if yo
rick chan から ゆかり
you like,please recommend some of your favorites too,just anything will do,say what you are listening while cooking and eating,it'll be interesting,don't you think?
rick chan から ゆかり
Also I notice the heart next to your name,congratulations,so well deserved,considering what you have done for everybody here!
To: rikk
Sure,I got it ! I recommend for you some genre except jazz music😊🎵 (But my favorite music are not at girly taste😅💦maybe..)
Thank you for congratulating me!
I'm super happy,because of your help😊🙏thanks master rick!
I'm your best kid forever!
Really anticipating to know what you listen!
And as far as I know,you were already a great cook before I know you!But thank you for giving me the credit!Please keep up the good work!
When hot, it's good such a refreshing dish😊 Like so delicious!
Thank you for resnap☺
rick chan から Asahimaru
You are welcome!I like cold noodle very much!Sorry should leave you a comment,I want to swap mine with yours,so delicious looking!
so yuuuummny:)
gomadare - udon !!

thank you for re-snap, ekiben !!
もぐもぐ! (291)
リスナップ (15)