Thanks for announcing the news in your post,you are so sweet,please tell everyone I am thankful,it would not happen without everybody's support! Back to the stollen,I have been waiting to see yours,and I love it,as beautiful as expected! On top of that,I have an idea how good this tastes,the one I m
made using your recipe was so good already,and I omitted the marzipan,I am sure yours is much better with marzipan! Also I have been wanting to ask,what's the nut right in the middle?It's quite big and it doesn't seem like walnut or almond... Once again thank you for all your good deeds,I would have
never made a good stollen without your help!I am looking forward to your mohn stollen! I can't read everyone comment👆,but I think I should thank all of them individually here?May I?
Just a quick note From みきさん 'It's too late,I think Rick should have to receive ribbon more before,because you made numerous fabulous dishes all the time.I'm looking forward to see your dishes more and more.' Something like that😊
From シローちゃん 'Rick's ribbon will never fade!' She mimicked it from 長嶋
From ふうてんさん👆 'Rick is our brightest star,I'm glad you receive ribbon secretly.I'm one of fan of you who celebrating you.' Also she saying like that,she received good atmosphere from your stollen's posts. She thinks you are nice that you were celebrating Christmas properly when interv
I am so honored,I could not make it without your support,thank you for being so kind,I always appreciate!!I hope you know I love your food just as much!! Happy new year too!
Thank you シローSan,Yukari told me that she said nice things about me,I also congratulate you for a ribbon too,I look forward to all your wonderful dishes!
ふうてん San,thank you so much,I have been receiving many support from you for a long time,it means a lot to me!I will certainly continue to do my best!I have to say I'm a big fan of you too!
You know I being big fan of you for a long time,I felt vicarious excitement by your ribbon. congratulation💝🎉✨ My pleasure,Even it was your virgin try,You learn quickly and the your stollen was very neat,I was amazed by you! Really😳😊 sorry,I lacked mention about inside stuff.It's marzipan stick(I ma
made it from almond powder,egg white,sugar) My stollen including marzipan in dough too. But I omitted marzipan stick for your recipe,cuz It's not particularly important. Often it is not used, but accentuates the taste and texture. Please try it on your next stollen😊
Thank you again,I honestly wasn't expecting ribbon coming,there are still many good people still haven't get ribbon yet,I thought mine wouldn't come soon,or at all! Oh I see,marzipan stick,I know marzipan but I have never used before,and I have never eaten a stollen with it too,that's so special,you
seem to know the world of baking inside out,I am amazed,again! My stollen still need to improve,hopefully next time,I want Christmas come soon but I don't want time goes by so quick😰
Haha,No problem,Next X'mas still something far. Also I'm excited to heard that you've planning to make something three dimension. Let me hear your plan😊
昨年末は これまた大好きなシローちゃんも🎀もらっていて、自分の大好きなユーザーさんがリボンもらうと本当すごく嬉しいね♪
全然関係ないけど シュトーレンです☝️。。
シロー様に続きRick 様迄💃💃💃
シロー様もRick様も わたしにとっては心の師匠✨ わたしとしては遅過ぎる🎀ですが、本当に本当に嬉しかったです😊
これからも シローちゃんのお料理から沢山勉強させてもらっちゃうから😆🎶🎶
Back to the stollen,I have been waiting to see yours,and I love it,as beautiful as expected!
On top of that,I have an idea how good this tastes,the one I m
Also I have been wanting to ask,what's the nut right in the middle?It's quite big and it doesn't seem like walnut or almond...
Once again thank you for all your good deeds,I would have
I can't read everyone comment👆,but I think I should thank all of them individually here?May I?
From みきさん
'It's too late,I think Rick should have to receive ribbon more before,because you made numerous fabulous dishes all the time.I'm looking forward to see your dishes more and more.' Something like that😊
From シローちゃん
'Rick's ribbon will never fade!' She mimicked it from 長嶋
Sure,if you want to say your thanks,you are welcome to make comment😊
Rickさんのブッシュドノエルもあわせて 忙しない日常の狭間、それぞれの厳かな雰囲氣がいいね。
で。まだ隠し持っている料理画像 あると みた! お時間あるときみせてね😋💕
From ふうてんさん👆
'Rick is our brightest star,I'm glad you receive ribbon secretly.I'm one of fan of you who celebrating you.'
Also she saying like that,she received good atmosphere from your stollen's posts.
She thinks you are nice that you were celebrating Christmas properly when interv
Something like that.
I'll talk to you later,see u soon😊
Happy new year too!
Rick San, thank you message.
In the future, I am looking forward to the hearty cuisine👀✨
♩From the fan♩
Yukari San. Thank you convay my feelings to Rick🙏😃💬
(↑ I have translated the PC💻😁)
Thank you for comment is happy.
and I'm sorry if there is rude because English is not good.
いえいえ Rickがお礼を言いたがっていたので♪ Rickはとても律儀でジェントルマンなのです😊
Congratulations on 🎀re-Bonn!
I love how to take picture of photographs which your dish is very exellently, and are beautiful, a sense.
I look forward to from now on!
ど、ど、ドンマイ 自分^^;
Congratulations on your ribbon‼︎
Thank you so, so much.
My pleasure,Even it was your virgin try,You learn quickly and the your stollen was very neat,I was amazed by you! Really😳😊
sorry,I lacked mention about inside stuff.It's marzipan stick(I ma
But I omitted marzipan stick for your recipe,cuz It's not particularly important. Often it is not used, but accentuates the taste and texture. Please try it on your next stollen😊
Rickは頭の良い人なので わたしの適当なレシピでも上手に焼いてくれていてびっくりしたよ😊
ちぽちゃんも今年のクリスマスは1ヶ月前からシュトーレン焼いて 毎日少しづつ食べてクリスマスをカウントダウンしよう〜😆🎶
Oh I see,marzipan stick,I know marzipan but I have never used before,and I have never eaten a stollen with it too,that's so special,you
My stollen still need to improve,hopefully next time,I want Christmas come soon but I don't want time goes by so quick😰
Also I'm excited to heard that you've planning to make something three dimension. Let me hear your plan😊
だよね🎶 RickのリボンはVivaだよね〜✨✨
あ、もちろん2015年のクリスマスのシュトーレンだから これ👍💕
御節も もうそろそろ作らなあかんわぁ。。😩😁
わたしは 特に書く事なにもない事に気付いてん😂