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  • 2013/09/27
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Seafood fideo/シーフードフィデワ

みんなの投稿 (23)
So lucky to get all the ingredients for this just before typhoon came a few days ago,and who cares about typhoon when food is this good at home!
Very similar preparation with Spanish paella,but much quicker,the Spanish like to have this with aioli(kind of like mayonnaise),and so do I!
Y氏の凡人 から rick chan
What a rare coincidence!!
I have no expectation to see your fideo at the same time.

It's joke, ha,ha,ha...
I've been longing for seeing your special fideo!!

You and 小鍋さん are so splendid and superior to me!! I have to study Spanish cooking more and more...

I hope you and your family, friends had n
I hope you and your family, friends had not suffered from Typhoon.
rick chan から Y氏の凡人
Good morning,Mr. Y 氏,I am sorry for the late reply!Me and my family were not affected by the typhoon,most people get an extra half day off,but it was my day off anyway…
Please don't say that,your fideo is just as good as ours,if not better,but Spanish cuisine is so good and interesting,I can't imag
rick chan から Y氏の凡人
imagine how good Mr,Y 氏 would become if you study it more,I could see you determination!I look forward to that,thank you for the resnaps!
rick chan から 麻紀子
Yes,it's kind of a short pasta from Spain.I can actually buy this in a Spanish store,called "fideo",if you couldn't find,use spaghetti and just break them in short pieces.Cook very similar to paella,but much quicker,please try!Thank you for resnap!
I wanted eat the moment I saw this pics! I haven't had make this so far,but I also want to try it!
I feel happy if I can eat such a dish even if weather is bad😊🎶
And very nice Spanish air with Gaudi! I love your witty mind for entertain people!
add,I felt relieved you had no damage by typhoo
by typhoon☺
Please have a good day,good time☀☀
麻紀子 から rick chan
rick chan から ゆかり
This actually gives me good memories,however,I didn't have this in Spain,I only saw other people have this,with a dollop of white thing,I was intrigued with that and only later find out it's aioli,and they eat it a lot!Please try this someday,it's as good as paella and takes less time to make,my per
rick chan から ゆかり
personal preference with this and paella is finish them under the grill for a few minutes to give them a nice colour on the top.Thank you for the compliment, always love to play around with the photos,and yes,typhoon wasn't as bad as expected at all.
For more similar dishes,please also check Mr Y 氏
rick chan から ゆかり
and 小鍋 San's fideo too,both delicious looking!
rick chan から 麻紀子
Yes,that's right,you are welcome!
To: rikk
Thank you so much for telling me your tips! I'll give it a try😊🎶
And sure,I goes checking out
This looks so yummy!!
I also want to try this paella with aioli!! I love aioli;-)
Is it the book of Gaudi??
I also visited his architectures in Spain.They were all impressive n great♪
rick chan から romie
Hola,Romie San,I am so glad you like this,and thank you for all the resnaps!Yes,it's a Gaudi book,two years ago my dream came true and I went to see one of my favorite architecture in the world,and that was Segrada Familia!I couldn't forget how good the food was too,and I learned a few things too,l
rick chan から romie
,like they eat fideo with aioli,and why not with rice too,aioli is good with everything!o,like they eat fideo with aioli,and why not with rice too,aioli is good with everything!
romie から rick chan
Como estas rikkito?hehe
Wow bingo!
I can imagine how great your trip to Spain was.
Yes,Sagrada Familia was especially unforgettable architecture for me too!
Of course Park Guell and casa mila too.It's wonderful n full of dreams that Sagrada Familia,it unfinished, is still building..I think so :))
romie から rick chan
So Barcelona was lovely place.
Food (especially seafood)was delicious.Your dish reminds me good memory!Thank you rikk!!
rick chan から romie
Como estas,thank you,and I am good,haha,I become an español!
You are always welcome!The reason I love food so much is that it brings back great memories,so many good things about Spain,we just won't get tired if it,I am sure I will visit ago and hopefully Familia Segrada will soon finish constuction
rick chan から romie
.I'll meet you there!
romie から rick chan
Yo tambien bien!!
I've read the article that it'll finish in 2026?!
wow it's romantic.
Ok!Rendez-vous at the top of Sagrada Familia in 2026😄hehe
gracias amigo♪♪
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