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  • 208もぐもぐ!
  • 24リスナップ
  • 2014/11/02
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Potato salad with pickled egg,cucumber and onion

*Vinegar (酢)
*Mustard seed(マスタードシード)
*Bay leaf(ベイリーフ)
1 piece
*Black peppercorns(黒コショウ)
*Dried chili(鷹の爪)
1 piece
2 pieces
Mix all with * together,bring to boil in a pan,boil for I minute,cool down,put everything in a jar,then add your dill,hard boil eggs,onion,and cucumber.Ready to eat in one day!
みんなの投稿 (16)
Always love potato salad,but this is the first time that I make it with all the pickles that I made myself too.The idea comes from a book called魔法のびん詰めwritten byこてらみやさん(but probably many people know already),what's cool about this is that all the eggs,cucumbers and onion are pickled in the same pick
pickling liquid and in the same bottle,they could used separately or in a single dish like this one.There are many other interesting recipes in this book as well,will tackle them soon one by one!
I like picklePlease I teach the recommended pickle recipes.
rick chan から Rogerina
Thank you so much,happy to hear you like this!
Do you mean you want this recipe?
If I teach general and traditional pickles liquid recipe I make.
I can not be used well English sorry
rick chan から Rogerina
It's okay!
It's a very good pickling liquid and quite simple to make too,I have added the recipe👆,please try!
Wow I would like to appreciate really.
I always learn something new from your post.in fact, I'm ignorant about information of trendy things.. of course,I didn't know about her.I'll check her blog at the first onset.thanks!
I love potato salad too! i prefer to go to 居酒屋 these days,I was always ordering it in there😊🎶I like th
I like this rustic taste! I made slightly strange potato salad few days ago.i'll post it for you.I wonder if you interested in it...😌💭
rick chan から ゆかり
Me too,I can't get enough of potato salad,I know they are especially good at izakayas in Japan,and everyone has their own version.But there isn't many place to go to here,have to make this myself....But I am sure this is not that trendy and new,this book must have been published for a while in Japan
I have only recently discovered it's Chinese version in HK,and just happens that I am I love with all these rustic,preserved and bottled food,so this book is a real treasure for me,I haven't tried many recipes yet,but it has lots of good ideas and this one is spot on!And because of this new love,i
it's leading to another new love too,collecting old and new bottles and jars...
You made potato salad?I have to see!It can't be an ordinary one!
rick chan から まちまちこ
まちまちこ から rick chan
好吧,首先下次去圖書館的時候找找這本書吧! 謝謝你的推薦!
もぐもぐ! (208)
リスナップ (24)