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  • 218もぐもぐ!
  • 37リスナップ
  • 2016/03/27
  • 2,167

Pan di ramerino

みんなの投稿 (5)
My Easter bread this year.
Wanted to do a festive bread but didn't want to repeat the hot cross buns,I found this one in the internet,at one of my favarite blog about Tuscana food.The dough is quite sweet and rich,with olive oil and raisins steeped in vin santo,also rosemary.The shiny glaze is sugar syrup and vanilla.
I think I misunderstood about the slits,they didn't turn out the way they should,taste good though...
Happy Easter🐰🐣🎈
rick chan から 🍁
Thank you,you too,happy Easter!
香港ではイースターをお祝いする風習がある? 日本ではあまり一般的ではないのだけど、聞いたことはある。卵にデコレーションしたりするんだよね?
rick chan から 麻紀子
Really not much meaning for me,I just want to go along and make festive food,that's all...People are happy here only because there are a few days holidays,there isn't many big celebration,probably more meaningful to those who are religious....
Easter eggs decoration,I haven't done that for years,many many years since I was a kid...
もぐもぐ! (218)
リスナップ (37)