• お気に入り
  • 151もぐもぐ!
  • 1リスナップ
  • 2013/02/27
  • 828

klalaさんの♡冷やご飯deカルボライス (Carbonara sause Risotto)

みんなの投稿 (49)
今日は1人ご飯(◍•ᴗ•◍) 皆さんの投稿を見て、前々から気になっていたカルボライス♡を作ってみました(*´꒳`*)生クリームがちょうどあったので、ちょい足し♪♪
これ美味しーー!!♡カルボナーラソースってご飯にもあうんですね!✧˖°またリピします₍₍ ( ๑॔˃̶◡ ˂̶๑॓)クララさん素敵なレシピありがとうございましたஐ♡
いや~ん(*ノ▽ノ) たまらなく美味しそう~♪ヽ(´▽`)/ トロリたまごさ~ん♪ヽ(´▽`)/
To: 0614yuki
ゆきさん♡ありがとうございます(*´꒳`*)これ美味しかったですよ~!!クリーム系好きにはたまりませぬ( ๑˃̶ ॣꇴ ॣ˂̶)♡たまごさん、奇跡的にうまくいきました~✩笑
To: mushroOmcafe
Thanks, my buddy👯❤ Let's eat together before my husband comes back home!!😁🍴❤555
To: klala
To: caori32
かおりさん♡ありがとうございます!!卵はいつもより加熱時間を減らしたんですが、特に時間を計っていなかったのでたまたま出来た?感じです(๑• v •๑)笑 カルボライスおすすめですよ~♡♡
To: mushroOmcafe
Good morning, aom😄 How are you today?✨
OMG!!😳 You've already read my message before I erased it last night!!😳💦 I read your message(see ya👋) and thought you were busy last night, so I erased it😨😂 sorry😂
To: mushroOmcafe
Is he unpleasant!!?😂😂
To: mushroOmcafe
Aom~~😭❤✨ おつかれさま!= Good job today!!👍✨✨
It's not special day for me😊 Thank you for your concern 😁🌙
OMG!! Is he short-tempered??😳💦
To: maru0522a Thanks my buddy👯
5555+ Sometimes,Ayakko but he'll smiled when I joked 😡👉😂
To: mushroOmcafe
555😁 I think he must be happy to be with you (funny and crazy girl) 😍❤555 Is he younger than us??👦
To: maru0522a Yeahhh!! He's 3 years younger than me(us) 👦👵 555+ but you know!!?? 😱
To: mushroOmcafe
555+ Yeah, I know that😏😏✨ because you said before "Every single person who I know is younger than me😭"💡😝
To: maru0522a Oh!! You're a genius girl👧✨ 55+
How's the weather is in Japan?Thailand's weather is super hot😲😰 I've to turn on air-condition everyday!! 🏠😨🐱🐯☀
To: mushroOmcafe
I'm Conan!!🔍😝555
It's still cold at night here😰 but getting warmer gradually🌸 I want spring to come fast!!!😥🌸🌷
What is the temperature in Thai?😱
To: maru0522a Today is 38 degree☀☀😨 I prefer like the cold weather that's rarely found in Thailand 😱😱 555+
Oh!! I like Conan 😘
To: mushroOmcafe
38!!!!!???😱😱😱 I'll become a roast horse☀🔥🐎🔥😱 seems hard to live in Thai😨 Have you ever seen snow??⛄
To: maru0522a I think that too😂
No,I've never seen snow 😭😭 ⛄ I want to touch it and pour syrup on snow then eat!! ⛄🍴55+
To: mushroOmcafe
You wanna eat snow!?⛄😂 How cute!!❤😂 OK I'll prepare syrup and a spoon for you🍧😘55 Do you have anywhere in mind to go?✈🇺🇸🇮🇹🇬🇧
To: Yas
やすひろさん✩初めまして(*´꒳`*)コメントありがとうございます!!カルボライスは、私もSDで初めて知りました!(๑′ᴗ‵๑) klalaさんのページにレシピがあるのでぜひぜひ見に行ってみてくださいね~♪♪クリーム系好きにはオススメです꒰´ ꒳ ` ♡꒱
To: mushroOmcafe
Oh! Sorry🙇💦 Please reply me tomorrow evening😁👍🎵
To: maru0522a 555+ thanks my buddy you're so kind 🍴🍧
Ummm...I would like to go Italy and French😊😊
Italy,I love architecture.
French,I love food and dessert
How about you Ayakko?👧✈
To: maru0522a Oh!! Japan too I want to meet my buddy 👯and Mt.Fuji 🗻 😘😁
To: mushroOmcafe
I wanna go to Italy, too😍🇮🇹 I'll have Pizza, Pasta and Gelato🍝🍦💓 and go to the museum🎨
In addition, Australia, USA(Disney World), France(again), Finland and ..... of corse Thailand(again)!!😍💓👯I wanna go to many place😨😂
To: mushroOmcafe
Thanks for today, my buddy😘✨ It's OK to reply me tomorrow evening👍 Have a nice dream💓 See ya then👋🐶555
To: mushroOmcafe
Good morning, my buddy😘 Good luck at your job👍✨✨✨ See ya later👋😘💓 気をつけてね🚗👌
To: maru0522a ただいま戻りました!!🏠Good evening and thanks for your concern Ayakko🙇 Have you had a wonderful day?☀☁
Don't worry about quick reply last night,it's my pleasure😘
To: mushroOmcafe
おつかれさま✨❤ Good job today, aomkko😘✨ The deadline is April 2nd, isnt it?? You're a fast worker!!!👸✨✨👏👏
It was a lazy day~😪😁555
To: maru0522a Yes,it is 😁😁 but from now I've no job until 7th March 😭😭Treat me,please 😨🐯🐱🐶🐻🐻
To: mushroOmcafe
Great!!✨ You've finished it very fast!!🚄💨💨💨✨👏
OK I'll treat you😘555 In fact, I have a part-time job day after tomorrow😁👌
To: maru0522a 😳😳 Really!!? What type of job Ayakko!?👧✨You make me surprise again 😳😁
To: mushroOmcafe
I'd worked at the photo studio for children👼 from August through December last year😄 It was a temporary part-time job👍🎵It's not in my contract period now, but my manager asks to help when they're busy📷💦
To: mushroOmcafe
But I'm not a cameraman🙅📷 I
To: maru0522a Wowww!! That sound funny😍😍 You're a very talented lady👧✨
To: mushroOmcafe
I wait on customers👨👩👼 and assist the cameraman📷✨ Don't worry, it's not hard✌😘 If you search "Studio Alice" on google, you can find the studio😁❤
To: mushroOmcafe
Yeah, it's funny!!😍 I enjoy my job!!💓 The studio has so many kinds of cute clothes for children 👗👕👘🎀🎩👑 I also enjoy seeing them😂👗555
To: maru0522a Wooo!! Studio Alice 👑🎩🎀👙👕👗how cute!!💓 This is a studio in many child's dream☁☁I wanna try to be a customer but...I can't 😨👉👵💦
To: mushroOmcafe
👉👵555😂 You can try as a mother someday👩 Every child become a princess or a prince in the studio👗🎩❤ They're very cute!!💓
To: maru0522a Oh my god!! 🙅🙅 I can't imagine when myself to be mom 😨😨 But I can imagine that you have 👧👼✨ 55+ 😝
To: mushroOmcafe
555+ Thanks💓 I'd like to be a mom by 30 years old at latest👼✨
To: maru0522a That's perfect time!! Would you want a son or a daughter? Please tell them(your baby) call me "sister" not🙅 "Auntie" 😨😂😂
To: mushroOmcafe
If possible, both of a son and a daughter😝💓 OK, I'll tell them to call you "aomkko" or "crazy sister" 😝❤555
btw I've finished making a tuxedo🎩 and upload the photo on SnapDish (profile photo)😁 but not finished making dress yet!!😱👗
To: maru0522a Wowww!! Really cute💓💓 You look so handsome bear,Duffy🐻✨ I think I feel falling in love with you!!😍😍 55+
Thank for uploaded my buddy👧
To: mushroOmcafe
🐻: Thank you, dear👸❤555

I've already fallen in love with Duffy 😍😍💓555+ I'm glad to show you this tuxedo🎩
To: mushroOmcafe
I've forgotten to make shoes for Duffy!!😳👟👟 It's not finished yet😭😂55
Are you busy today??😄👦 I'll go to bed early today... maybe😝😝555 Thanks for today, my buddy😘💗 I'm happy to talk
To: mushroOmcafe
with you🎵💓 See ya, tomorrow (maybe evening🌅) Good night👋😘
To: maru0522a Ohh!! Are you super busy!!? Sorry,I thought you're going out for dinner with 😷✨ I'm being lazy on the sofa with my greedy cats🐱🐯
Good job tomorrow,see ya when you come home いってらっしゃい!! 
I'm happy to talk too💋 Sleep tight Ayakko 👧✨
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