Thanx to my great master rikk! I'm totally enjoyed to make this at great taste! I'm really looove it!! But…my 腸粉was nooooooo good…haha♪ it's seems to my next mission.😄💦
To: yukaringg My hat off to you for doing this!The 刈包you made are so beautiful,I know the filling would not be difficult for you ,but the most amazing thing is that you have made the steam bun yourself,something I wouldn't dare to tackle,even professional baker told me it's not easy,and you have mad
made the original shape!So much more authentic than mine, Taiwanese would be happy seeing this! 腸粉 is even more difficult!You know it is absolutely one of my favorite thing to eat,when I'm not bringing lunch,half of the time I am buying this!But less places are making these now and it's just not as
good as before,thin layer of rice powder and water is steam on a cloth,everything have to be precise and you need the right utensils too,not much people make this at home,so I admire you doing this,although we normally have the prawns wrapped inside,it looks delicious to me,wonderful job!I also love
the tea! I am so glad you enjoyIed this,and am super honoured you paying homage to me,just makes me so happy we are being connected this way from so far away!!
To: rikk Big thanks rikk! i really spend fun time because of your post! And could get served to my guest with 刈包. I love every foods of China. Actually there was Cantonese restaurant in my neighborhood when I was child.there was 点心師 who came from's was luck for me. sometime my parent took
To: rikk sometime my parent took me to there .even among those i liked 腸粉. I often think of it…It's my sweet memories...☺ So I interested in Chinese local foods or how to making dim sum. But I'm just Japanese,I'm a low brow about learning from your post or text book.always Various things b
To: rikk Various things become known when I talk with you.thanks to you! My first made 腸粉was steamed with a pyrex plate.but couldn't well wrapping😱😱aww…compromise…haha😅 I hope to give me a skill…😥
To: yukaringg No wonder,you've been having authentic Chinese food since you were small,that's why you master the Chinese essence really well!It's nice to hear that you have had a very happy childhood, eating delicious food and cooking with your mother.Thank you for trusting me,I hope my knowledge is
good enough,actually my Chinese cooking is my weakness,I read about it but I have only started making more the past few years,there is so much more to improve!Anyway if you need know anything,I'll try my best to find out for you!Also I will try to find a good 腸粉recipe for you too!
To: rikk Thank you sooo much for your kindness of heart😭🎶I'm sooo glad! So far, i got pic up some腸粉recipe from web,but almost written by Chinease....i can't read...😢. You are one in the million for me.I beg your teach😊🙏 I swear,i'll be your good students from now on😉
Oh,don't say that,it's my pleasure to help out!I will see if there is any book written by good author that has this recipe,if not I'll search in the web,if there is any good one,I'll translate for you,just give me a few days!👌
My friend,I have something for you!Found this one in a book and it makes a lot of sense for me( I haven't tried),but like I said,腸粉need the proper equipments to work,so adjust for whatever you are using,don't expect it's going to turn out like restaurants,but I think with this you will get fine resu
result,The measurements are in catty(Chinese weight unit),but I'll give you the ratio instead (in WEIGHT).What you need:粘米粉(rice flour)1;澄麺(wheat starch)1/8;鷹粟粉(eagle brand corn starch)1/8; oil1/8;salt a little;water3.
It's pretty confusing with the English translation,so try and buy with the Chinese writing on the packet.Mix up the flours first,then slowly add water,oil,salt,til a becomes a light batter.Then you need a big wok or something,heat up some water,place a rack in the middle
then a shallow tray in top,then line a wet cloth on the tray(cloth needs to be bigger than tray,white cotton fine mesh)than stir again the batter,ladle some onto the cloth to form a thin layer evenly,you could even out by your hand or spatula),now you can add the filling across,cover and steam high
heat for 3-5mins(depends on heat),take out the cloth,and work quickly with your hands(oiled),lay on a oiled tray,with cloth on top,remove 腸粉from far end,using a spatula to help scraping may be,at the same time pulling cloth towards yourself until all the腸粉come on the plate,
then roll up. Here are some important points:you need to wet the cloth first to prevent sticking,to further avoid it,you could wet the cloth with water that is mixed with a little rice batter and then steam the cloth first;It's important to keep the tray horizontal,to keep the same thickness;Importa
Important to use high heat to steam,and lot of water,this makes 腸粉silky smooth;Restaurants use tray has holes in it,so steam could go through(I have also seen tray made with bamboo too).
Here is what I think,it's important that the 腸粉sheet does not stick,so may be you could try using baking paper? Here is a recipe for the prawns too,rinse you prawns under the tap with cold water for few minutes,then dry,then add salt,a little sugar,ginger juice,mix through,add some egg white,potato
starch(片粟粉),oil,mix through,then put in the fridge for 8-12 hrs,no need for cling film,this will dry up the prawns and give them the crispy texture. For the sweet soy sauce that spoon on top,simply mix dark soy and sugar together,you could add some Chinese consommé powder too.
So that's it,hope this will help,don't hesitate to ask if you don't understand,good luck with this too,as for me,I'm still thinking wether I should try...
To: rikk What a nice gift! Today,I read without knowing your text on the way back.I was so filled with overjoyed n exclaimed that "Thanks rikk!!" on the train. Your writing is understood as a careful explanation in English. So,at last i realized my mistakes of the last's all because of you!
Yukari San,I am just too happy to help,really hope this will work for you !Do you think you could get the same ingredients especially"澄麵"?This is used in a lot of dimsum wrapping.For breakfast I also like this plain without filling,just with ねぎ and dried shrimp sprinkled on the batter before steamin
To: rikk Oh,I know 澄麺,that beautiful Dim-sum wrapper,right? I've made from scratch few time. I couldn't get beautiful done😢 But I'm getting to better little by little😉I want to try posting together with 腸粉,if I done well.👍 Btw,it's sound so good for HK's breakfast style.I only know a tiny bit of Di
You are welcome!Actually "澄麺"is a kind a flour,the ingredient needed for the腸粉,it's being added because it will give the 腸粉some bite,otherwise it will be too mushy.澄麵is also used in the wrapper of that popular dimsum 蝦餃too!I was just asking you if you could get 澄麵in Japan,because it's essential!
To: rikk Oh,sorry!I misunderstood 澄麵. 澄麵➡wheat starch(gluten free) 澄麵皮➡dim-sum wrapper Is it right? Thanks for your concern.i could get all ingredients, also bought 老抽 yesterday. I'm ready😉👍
バンズも手作りしてみましたよ♪薄力粉と強力粉を1.5:1の割合でイーストとBPで作りました。ふかふかで美味しい♪ 具は豚の紹興酒煮とエビチリバージョンで〜す✌
I'm totally enjoyed to make this at great taste! I'm really looove it!!
But…my 腸粉was nooooooo good…haha♪ it's seems to my next mission.😄💦
腸粉 is even more difficult!You know it is absolutely one of my favorite thing to eat,when I'm not bringing lunch,half of the time I am buying this!But less places are making these now and it's just not as
I am so glad you enjoyIed this,and am super honoured you paying homage to me,just makes me so happy we are being connected this way from so far away!!
Big thanks rikk! i really spend fun time because of your post! And could get served to my guest with 刈包. I love every foods of China.
Actually there was Cantonese restaurant in my neighborhood when I was child.there was 点心師 who
came from's was luck for me.
sometime my parent took
sometime my parent took me to there
.even among those i liked 腸粉.
I often think of it…It's my sweet
So I interested in Chinese local foods or how to making dim sum.
But I'm just Japanese,I'm a low brow about learning from your post or text book.always Various things b
Various things become known when I talk with you.thanks to you!
My first made 腸粉was steamed with a pyrex plate.but couldn't well wrapping😱😱aww…compromise…haha😅 I hope to give me a skill…😥
Thank you sooo much for your kindness of heart😭🎶I'm sooo glad!
So far, i got pic up some腸粉recipe
from web,but almost written by
Chinease....i can't read...😢. You are one in the million for me.I beg your teach😊🙏
I swear,i'll be your good students from now on😉
I'm very grateful!Thanks for
everything! of course,when you have time let me know.anytime is OK for me😄
beeちゃん腸粉 是非食べてみて!私の作ったのはヒドイけど😱本物はつるんとプリッとしてめちゃ美味しいよ💕飲茶で出してくれるとこ結構あるから😊🎶
あ💦そうそう♪これ 水で溶いた米粉と浮き粉と澱粉を蒸し器で蒸して作ったよ〜😊✨本当は海老をロールするんやけどね。。。出来なかったって事で。。笑) リスナップもありがとうね😊🙏
あみさん こんばんにゃ〜🌟🌟
その "いつか"って時また見て下さいな😋👍
ꉂꉂƱʊ꒰>ꈊ<ૢ꒱その前に、イースト君とも仲直りしないとな💦ぜライスちゃんとイースト君は手強いっすぅ( ͒ ˘̩̩̩̩̩̩ꇵ͒˘̩̩̩̩̩̩ ͒)
Here are some important points:you need to wet the cloth first to prevent sticking,to further avoid it,you could wet the cloth with water that is mixed with a little rice batter and then steam the cloth first;It's important to keep the tray horizontal,to keep the same thickness;Importa
Here is a recipe for the prawns too,rinse you prawns under the tap with cold water for few minutes,then dry,then add salt,a little sugar,ginger juice,mix through,add some egg white,potato
For the sweet soy sauce that spoon on top,simply mix dark soy and sugar together,you could add some Chinese consommé powder too.
What a nice gift!
Today,I read without knowing your text on the way back.I was so filled with overjoyed n exclaimed that "Thanks rikk!!" on the train.
Your writing is understood as a careful explanation in English.
So,at last i realized my mistakes of the last's all because of you!
That's all because of you!And I thank you again and again!
I'll try straightaway on next week.
can't wait for that now...😫☺☺
Oh,I know 澄麺,that beautiful Dim-sum wrapper,right?
I've made from scratch few time.
I couldn't get beautiful done😢
But I'm getting to better little by little😉I want to try posting together with 腸粉,if I done well.👍
Btw,it's sound so good for HK's breakfast style.I only know a tiny bit of Di
I only know a tiny bit of Dimsum or that was something of great interest.
Thanks for telling me😉🌟
Oh,sorry!I misunderstood 澄麵.
澄麵➡wheat starch(gluten free)
澄麵皮➡dim-sum wrapper
Is it right? Thanks for your concern.i could get all ingredients, also bought 老抽 yesterday.
I'm ready😉👍