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  • 198もぐもぐ!
  • 23リスナップ
  • 2014/11/29
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みんなの投稿 (14)



Love it! Love it!! Please tell me about this kind of foods more when we meet up!!
Thanks Rick😊
Once again you made it,you made HK like food better than most HK people,I really have to applaud for that.I am addicted this type of food in colder month,rustic,simple but mega delicious!I love this combo a lot,chicken and Chinese sausages,also one of the most original one.Nowadays there are many ne
new styles,unimaginable things are put into 煲仔飯,it's really interesting,I want to take you to some place nice and have this if you come over!
By the way,what are the stuff on the right side,dried shrimps?Also great featuring cock bowl in this,they really are the same category !
ゆかり から 麻紀子
たしかに😂お刺身に見えちゃいますね😂この炊き込みご飯(もはや料理名の漢字を出せない...)超美味しかったですよ😍 わたしこういう香港の人が日常的に食べているようなお料理に興味ありまくりなんです🎶
ゆかり から rick chan
Hi,Rick😊Thank you soooo much for giving me stunning recipe book! Actually sometimes I saw this dishes on TV that introducing HK.it was very fascinating for me.you can't imagine how happy I was when I found this recipe in your book!
Finally I got it😊Mine may be not authentic,but I really liked it! A
Agreed! Mega delicious😋You are right,I checked one using dried shrimp at other page,so I tried mix it😁
Wow...is there more variety? Wanna to try! Please take me to your fave restaurant🙏
You know I love all of Cantonese cuisine,especially rice using dishes! My next try will be 儒米飯💪🎶 I know your mum
mum is good at cooking,and you were blessed with great dishes.I also want to tread in your lucky steps😋🎶 and sorry my late reply🙇🙏
No excuse for your late reply,unless you have been taking care demanding foreign people!
煲仔飯and 煲仔菜 is very unique HK dishes,it's our winter's comfort food!With traditional 煲仔飯,ingredients are actually very basic,usually they could be steam dishes on their own,some kind of meat with Chinese sausages
dried stuffs like shiitake,干貝,shrimps etc...But the most enticing thing of 煲仔飯 is the aroma.In the old days,they were cooked in a thin pot(compared to Japanese tonabe),on charcoal stoves,and if done right,the charcoal aroma could creep through,and there is a thin layer of browned bit at the bottom.
Nowadays is rare to use charcoal,also it's not easy to maintain those thin clay pots,so what you make at home is very good and authentic already!Basically any steamed dishes is good in 煲仔飯、such as spareribs or eel with 豆鼓 sauce,I also tried small awabi with chicken.For sure I will let you try this H
HK specialty when you come!
My mum's 糯米飯 is good,and if there is anyone's that could match hers,it's you!I look forward to that!
ゆかり から rick chan
Mmmm✨Your all mention is extremely appealing to me!!!
Sounds so good using charcoal to cook! Not only become good taste but also I like such rustic scenery! I feel slight sad that beautiful scene will be gone little by little....So it's one of HK's slow food,right? I want to know those more! (Btw,煲
煲仔 is meaning tiny pot,is it right?)Eel and 豆豉‼︎😳💘 it's so interesting! Tho I love Chinese food,but my knowledge is only part of that.I am so happy that I could have you teach me HK's dishes!
Oh, thank you🙏 I do my best to cook 儒米飯 not to disappoint you
もぐもぐ! (198)
リスナップ (23)