Oh,I am so sorry,I didn't know you post...I know I have said it,but this is your first post of the year,I still wish you happy new year,I hope you fulfill all your wishes in 2015,and have as many good food as you could! I still remember you posted two お雜煮 last year,and one year on,I have better unde
understanding of food from the two regions,thanks to you! I love this 鴨南蛮つけ蕎麦so much,I sometimes order this at soba shop but I have never made it before,I wonder what type of soup base you used...I saw sushi at the back,I rarely see you make sushi roll like this,is it a special one for new year? Any
There is no need to say sorry,you gave me new year greeting already.I'm very happy to receive your greeting twice😊🎶 I also wishing you and your family health and happiness.✨I'm so glad you remembering my two of お雑煮😁🙏🎶 you know I couldn't celebrate new year this time,I look forward to make New Years
dishes every year.so I felt sad at this...so I expect your New Years post😊 Haha,I thought you like 鴨南蛮蕎麦! Yay🎶 I used 松葉's bottled dashi.it's my favorite.in fact,I can't make right 蕎麦出汁...As for the 蕎麦, Tokyo is superior to the Kansai.. About 巻き寿司,there is no special meaning.my mum made it,she prefe
prefer making 巻き寿司 for special occasion.she knows I'm weak at 巻き寿司 making,She made these with full of motivation instead of me..I don't match with skill😁 I was glad you noticed this bowl.Yep,I hope kojimasan would be fun at my photo😊 Actually,Fuji is lucky charm for new year in Japan.It is a good o
omen if our 初夢/Hatsuyume (the first dream in the New Year) is a dream about those objects👉Mt.fuji,hawk,eggplant. I pray that good fortune visits you🙏✨✨
Talking about soba,I would like to ask something.I revisited a old time favorite soba place of mine in Tokyo and asked for 鴨南蛮,only this time the soba is in bits,not in a string,but like chopped up to 2-3 inches long,I didn't like that very much.Any idea why's that?I know 十割 soba doesn't have much e
Basically,十割蕎麦 is not much fragile.But If it using coarsely ground blackwheat flour,蕎麦 become fragile easily.(there is 蕎麦 place where serving shredded 蕎麦 like that.) If there is other cause,Maybe that 蕎麦 was wrong water amount.the proper quantity of water is crucial thing for making fine 蕎麦,蕎麦's con
蕎麦's condition will change to fragile by increase or decrease of water amount.so the master of 蕎麦 should change the water amount by weather. I can only say that...That was unlucky...
I think that must be it,they used coarse ground soba.It's a reputable place and I don't think they would serve something they don't want to,but somehow things had changed since I went last time,even the soup wasn't that good anymore.I doubt it I will ever go again.Thank you for the valuable lesson i
SDでの全てのご縁に感謝して また来年もみなさんと仲良くさせていただけたら幸せです😊
あったまりそうなつけそば、いいなぁ( *˘╰╯˘*)♥
まきこさん ヒロティーンさんにとって今年も良い年でありますように。
おりぃさん 年末は ゆかさんと楽しい食事会されてたんですね😊🎶
いつも楽しく人の輪をとりもつおりぃさん、今年もおりぃに沢山の良い出会いとご多幸がありますように😊🙏 本年もどうぞよろしくおねがいします😊🎶
今年は 一緒に呑んだり食事したりたくさんできる事を楽しみにしてるよ〜😊🎶
わたしも全くのスローペースなんやけど、なんとなくSDの片隅で生きていくので たまに遊びに来て〜🎶
I still remember you posted two お雜煮 last year,and one year on,I have better unde
I love this 鴨南蛮つけ蕎麦so much,I sometimes order this at soba shop but I have never made it before,I wonder what type of soup base you used...I saw sushi at the back,I rarely see you make sushi roll like this,is it a special one for new year?
I super love that Fuji mountain photo too!
I also wishing you and your family health and happiness.✨I'm so glad you remembering my two of お雑煮😁🙏🎶 you know I couldn't celebrate new year this time,I look forward to make New Years
Haha,I thought you like 鴨南蛮蕎麦! Yay🎶
I used 松葉's bottled dashi.it's my favorite.in fact,I can't make right 蕎麦出汁...As for the 蕎麦, Tokyo is superior to the Kansai..
About 巻き寿司,there is no special meaning.my mum made it,she prefe
I was glad you noticed this bowl.Yep,I hope kojimasan would be fun at my photo😊
Actually,Fuji is lucky charm for new year in Japan.It is a good o
I pray that good fortune visits you🙏✨✨
蕎麦大好きなわたしは いつもニシン蕎麦と鴨南蛮と天ぷら蕎麦と山菜蕎麦で悩んじゃうよ〜💦 うっかり選択肢を増やしすぎてるよ〜😆💦
ちぽちゃんも松葉経験者なんでぃすね🎶 松葉のニシン蕎麦はわたしも大好き😍数十年前⁈ じゃあもうそろそろ松葉アゲインして欲しいなぁ😊🎶