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  • 2020/11/04
  • 2,149

Turkey Chili Stuffed Sweet Pepper (チーズがとろーり❤️ ターキー・チリビーンズを詰めて焼いたパプリカ)

みんなの投稿 (1)
After being rightly grilled in the oven, Sweet Peppers are stuffed with Turkey Cilli and covered with shredded Mozzarella Cheese. They are back in the oven until the cheese is bubbly and the topping is lightly golden. You will get hooked on the taste of this dish😍


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#lunch #dinner #お昼ご飯 #晩ご飯 #野菜料理 #アメリカ料理 #肉料理 #焼く/炒め物
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