• お気に入り
  • 102もぐもぐ!
  • 4リスナップ
  • 2013/01/04
  • 903


みんなの投稿 (13)
まだ、すずらんさんのチラシ寿司と、ほづさんのカレー作れるくらい残って鱒…どんだけ~(╯⊙ ⊱ ⊙╰ )
おぉ〜☆これいいねーーー!!! 黄身にトロ〜っと絡ませて...Σ(゚∀゚ノ)ノキャー絶対おいしーねー\(*⌒0⌒)♪
To: suzuranranran
グリルで焼きたかったけど タネがユルかったんでフライパンですゎぁ💧
゚・*:.。. .。.:*・( ´∀`)ラッハーン
Everything done perfectly here,presentation looks beautiful as always!I love grilled skewered food too!
To: rikk
rikk さん Thank you so much!
Say meatballs were too soft to make perfectly ball-shape :(
But taste is so good ;)
Please eat tsukune with the yolk of an egg ;)👍
To: rikk
And thank you for resnapping!
To: makooo and you know,tsukune is the favorite item to order in yakitori restaurant ,and I love serving it with egg yolk too.And yes,when making at home,it is too soft to form a ball,but it's juicier like this than to make it hard,I think...
To: rikk
Right! rikk さん, you are really 日本通(Nippon tsu) !
Nippon tsu means very knowledgeable about Japan, so you might already know this ;))
As a Japanese,I am happy ;)
To: makooo thank you,I think I still have so more to learn,especially when it comes to Japanese cuisine.Eversince I was a kid,I was intrigued by everything Japanese,the scenery,culture,food,with good reasons and I am not the only one think this way here.I just regret I can't speak Japanese well...
To: rikk
No problem!😄👍
You have a good understanding of Japanese spirit, I think ;)
So for me, writing in English is very difficult... :(
My English is almost full of mistakes and I can't express delicate feeling...
I wish I could use "gesture" in here! Hahaha ;))
I am just trying my best...
Honestly,I think your English is excellent,and I understand everything perfectly,I really appreciate you doing this for me even it is more difficult,Thank you!
To: rikk
Oh!! Thank you so much rikk さん!
I'm really really happy! :)
You're so warmhearted guy, I think ;)
Have a nice dream, good night ;)
Good night,my friend!
もぐもぐ! (102)
リスナップ (4)