To: romie you are welcome,Romie San,and thank you!I like つくれvery much,but try to make it different everytime by adding various things,very delicious this time with にら.It's actually egg yolk on top,I left it too long after cutting up before taking photograph...
looks very delicious with Nira 🍴😃I read you like trying to put various stuffs in Tsukune , so I recommend you to put some gristles of chicken in it if you like gristles 😁the texture will be fantastic 👍 sorry if you knew it already 😓
Mince chicken patty with chive
Tofu,tomato,dried shrimp salad
you have a good taste :)
and mustard?
It must be good!!
Thank you for resnap rikk!!🙏😊