• お気に入り
  • 89もぐもぐ!
  • 2リスナップ
  • 2013/01/15
  • 1,451


みんなの投稿 (23)
Also with しいたけ、白菜,ねぎ、春菊、にんじん、高野豆腐。
Yummy!! I'd like to eat it now!
To: rikk wow, you read and write Japanese?? nicely done 鍋! 美味しそう!!
It's true! your japanese caption is perfect! meals too: ) and thank you for your kind consideration. it's snowed in our country recently❄❄
too much cold!! So,your 鍋 picture lets me warm☀☀
To: samya thank you so much,it's really simple to prepare,great for cold winter in Japan!
To: humongousfungus thank you so much,my Japanese is very limited,mainly names of food,I wish I could speak more!😰
To: yukaringg thank you,actually not too difficult,I know a few Japanese, and most time when I cook ,I refer to Japanese cookbook and magazine(it can't be childhood memory,right?😊),I think I'm getting some ideas now how the title should be,but pls let me know if I'm wrong,always willing to learn!So
To: yukaringg snowing in Japan,must be beautiful,I miss skiing too!!
Looking forward to your wonderful winter dishes!!
To: rikk ☆
Thank you for following me!!
I'm looking forward to seeing your nice and beautiful dishes. (*´∀`)
rikkちゃん♪ みんな英語でコメントしてるのにいつも日本語でごめんね!でも凄く美味しそぅなんだもん♡鶏団子にきくらげ入れるって良いアイデアだね!漢方ではきくらげってとっても身体に良い食材なんだもんね!今度試してみる~
To: rikk haha, same with my Chinese! Interestingly food words i pick up quite quickly.
I do a 鶏団子 with hotpot very often too. My 団子 mix is simple with ground garlic, spring onions, sesame oil and a little bit of potato starch. I do it in a Chinese chicken broth.
Closer to a chanko鍋, what the sumo wrestlers eat :)
To: samya same here!I have new followers everyday,but I don't have time to go through everybody's profile,I'm glad you left me a comment!
To: marikoszk Thank you,it's perfectly fine with Japanese comments!I agree with you,きくらげis very good to our body and it adds a nice texture to the 団子,it's good idea to use 蓮根too!
To: humongousfungus your version sounds great!I use 白だしand 塩麴,団子I use,egg,ginger juice,potato starch,negi,塩麴,清酒。
To: MangoPudding 謝謝,我也好像看過,我想必定十分美味!Thank for the resnap!
Ayyy rikk,
you're the awesome master of japanese seasoning!!
I can easily imagine its good taste,so how do you get 塩麹?;)
To: romie very kind of you to say that,but I can't really compete with you wonderful cooks when it comes to Japanese cuisine.Japanese supermarket in Hong long started to stock 塩麴a few months ago,we are lucky enough able to buy most Japanese food in here ,but of course at a higher price!
To: yhirai that would be good indeed!
thank you :o :o !! <3<3<3
To: miyako8940 thank you for all the "yummies" too!
もぐもぐ! (89)
リスナップ (2)