• お気に入り
  • 30もぐもぐ!
  • 1リスナップ
  • 2012/06/07
  • 710


みんなの投稿 (15)
so simple and yet so delicious.shanghainese noodle with shoyu and deep fried ねぎ and it 's oil.In the back is celery and woodear mushroom の酢もの
To: rikk looks so delicious...
To: ShiroiYukii thank you,it's one of my favorite noodle dishes!
Looks so delicious is it possible for me to make in Japan? Egg noodle like ramen or yakisoba?
To: marikoszk yes,it's溫かい麵。Made the sauce with dark shoyu,a little 紹興酒and sugar,just simmer everything in a pot for a while.I am having vegetarian tonight,otherwise you could add some meat stock too,or better still,leftover sauce from 豚角煮。
To: marikoszk Then eat with the ねぎand the oil,some ごま油too.Also I deep fry the ねぎwith low heat so it doesn't get burned easily.pls try and let me know what you think!
To: Tayuko This is a white,fresh shanghainese noodle ,made without eggs.Probably not easy to find in Tokyo,if you cannot find,I am sure the dried one works too,or even thin udon makes a better substitute than yakisoba or ramen I think.
To: Tayuko And about the sauce,I have writtened above.Please try,it's really good!
詳しいレシピ thank you! I'll try! 美味しく出来たらupするよ~お楽しみに!
To: marikoszk it's my pleasure!
Could you tell me the name of this noodle in Chinese? I'm hoping to find it in china town and make this dish. Looks super good!
To: madaraneko it's simply called shanghai mien(上海麵),should be easy to find in Chinatown,it's very common and used in most soup based noodles.If you are in a supermarket,look for it in fridge section,store in a packet.Just make sure it's white,the yellow one is different.
To: madaraneko Pls check my feed,I have uploaded a photo with it precooked.
To: rikk oops, I see it. Thanks rikk;)
もぐもぐ! (30)
リスナップ (1)