To: marikoszk yes,it's溫かい麵。Made the sauce with dark shoyu,a little 紹興酒and sugar,just simmer everything in a pot for a while.I am having vegetarian tonight,otherwise you could add some meat stock too,or better still,leftover sauce from 豚角煮。
To: marikoszk Then eat with the ねぎand the oil,some ごま油too.Also I deep fry the ねぎwith low heat so it doesn't get burned easily.pls try and let me know what you think!
To: Tayuko This is a white,fresh shanghainese noodle ,made without eggs.Probably not easy to find in Tokyo,if you cannot find,I am sure the dried one works too,or even thin udon makes a better substitute than yakisoba or ramen I think.
To: madaraneko it's simply called shanghai mien(上海麵),should be easy to find in Chinatown,it's very common and used in most soup based noodles.If you are in a supermarket,look for it in fridge section,store in a packet.Just make sure it's white,the yellow one is different.