Preparations: Season the prawn with salt and bread them with the cornstarch. Heat oil a pan and fry the prawns for about 45seconds on each side. Drained on paper towel. Mix in a bowl the mayonnaise, lemon, onion, thin green onions, coriander, paprika and Rocoto paste stir and mix the prawns throughly with the sauce. Serve in baked tortilla basket.
How to prepare the tortilla basket: Place one tortilla into a mold and bake for 12min., after that deep fry. (I like without deep fried.)
Rocoto paste: Defrost the frozen rocoto, cut it in half and take away seeds. Place it in boil water for a few seconds. In a blender mix the rocoto, with a small piece of cheese and three crackers already soaked in milk, green onion, add oil and salt.
Guasacaca sauce: Cut out the stem of the tomato, then slice them in half. Gently squeeze each half so that the seeds and juices run out. Discard the seeds and juices. Chop the tomato into little pieces.
Cut the avocados in half. With the tip of a small spoon or knife, loosen the seed and lift it out. Gently strip off the skin with your fingers. Chop the avocados into little chunks.
In a large mixing bowl combine the oil, vinegar, salt. Mix with a large wooden spoon. Add the diced tomatoes, avocados, black pepper, chopped parsley and coriander. Mix all ingredients gently and thoroughly.