• お気に入り
  • 294もぐもぐ!
  • 29リスナップ
  • 2014/03/27
  • 1,893


みんなの投稿 (13)
Here are some of the bread I've making,all using commercial yeast,will move on to natural leaven next time.
-corn and mayonnaise bread
-pain de campagne
-whole wheat loaf
wait! 🏃🏃Please don't stop accepting comment,i also want to convey my emotion!!🙏💕

So...When will you open rick's bakery?(I'm ashamed of myself about i'd been talking baking matter to you.i call you teacher from now on!)
My wonders about you will never cease! always you easily handle everything👏✨✨✨ba
baking too!!
Although I know that you started baking lately,i can't believe it!
Cuz these looks to all seeming made by skilled hands!
About Your coup slit is so cool! Did you cut into grid? wow...I love whole wheat bread too! Also your single loaf mold seems very usable.
I didn't have bake loaf brea
bread for a long time..I suddenly got a craving to bake it😋
rick chan から ゆかり
Thank you Yukari San,that's so kind,believe me please,these might look ok,but they still need a lot of improving,especially flavour wise,may be the bread I have been eating are too good...but I am learner,and I am determined to get to the bottom of it.Let's work on this together and please share wha
whatever you know,I'll be thankful for that!Haha,with the slit on the campagne,I did a square one this time,one of the fun thing of making bread is trying different slits and watch how it comes out,don't you think?I am usually more keen on the white breads,but got to have whole grain bread for all t
those good fibers,I was quite surprised this whole grain loaf came out quite good,and it was only a straight dough,also much less fuss using loaf pan,this is great for weekdays!
One good thing about baking bread at home is the wonderful aroma that you get,but my neighbors are asking why I am baking
ゆかり から rick chan
Haha,exactly! i guess you usually eating fine bakery's bread.
I think your all bread are enough perfect,But,If you want to more aromatic.i suggest to addition different flours.(about 30%) for example,there is flour which called "type65"selling from Huchede. It has strong flavor when baked.(some popu
popular bakery using this flour in Japan) i hope i can get this flour constantly...i rarely to get it.Besides that,there is some aromatic flour.i'll send you some😊👍(it's good timing!)
Oh my! me too! I also have been said from my closest people."Why you've wasting your time for baking,there are lots
lots good bakery?"
With a very few exceptions, my friends are almost rationalist,they can't sympathize with me.😑😁
I've been alone till meet SD,but now I'm enjoying more than before. Especially,I'm delightful that you started baking!!😄🎶🎶
rick chan から ゆかり
Oh,sorry my last few words of my message didn't come through,I meant to say "why I am baking at the middle of the night?" lol😂.yes,sometimes I got home late,and the loaf doesn't go in the oven around 12:30- 1:00,the smell makes them hard to get into sleep...
Anyway that's important news,I have seen
places that sell type65,I will definitely try if you say it's good,thanks so much!But wait,you said you are sending me flour?I hope you have mistyped,just send me the names my dear!
And you know what,it's you that who had inspired me to bake!Thanks to you!
ゆかり から rick chan
LOL!!I seemed my expectations are largely wrong😂
I see now,and i also love to midnight baking.(hopefully i want to do it on daytime..)Yep,I thought that I'll send "flour" instead of "flower"...lol
But you seems could get type65 in HK! so I'll mail you only names of others😊📧
もぐもぐ! (294)
リスナップ (29)